Marriage and Divorce
R Marie Taylor
November 22, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
How To Tell If Resentment Is Destroying Your Marriage… A marriage is rarely destroyed by one major fight, no matter what the fight is about. But resentment can creep into a relationship and place a choke-hold on communication and outward…
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R.L Hanlon
November 22, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Resentment in a relationship or marriage has the ability to grow to something very cruel. This can then begin to affect your personal feelings and outlook that can create ripples all through your life. It can affect your relationship with…
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Jennee Thompson
November 22, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Every young girl dreams about her wedding day. She has the floral arrangement placed just to her liking and she glows in her perfectly fitted white wedding gown. And just as fairly tales have taught us, happily ever after is…
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Liz Watene
November 22, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
My husband and I are both New Zealanders, but he is Maori and I am Caucasian, or better known to any New Zealander as a “Pakeha,” the same word the early Maori’s gave to the pink-skinned pigs. No insult was…
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Jenny Hamblin
November 22, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
I was a long-time supporter of live-in relationships until recently. I lived with my first two boyfriends, and even though both relationships ended badly and left me in emotional and financial ruins, I still assumed that living together was the…
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Liz Watene
November 22, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
If this question was to be answered generally, some might feel to say “yes.” If this question was to be answered specifically, the answer is emphatically, “no!” I was brought up with two brothers and my Dad, with many years…
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Chris Reich
November 22, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
So you’ve met the person of your dreams, Bravo! You’re in love and so eager to enter the next phase, Your prayers have been answered and this person is the key to your happiness. You throw your lot in together…
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Yvette Durham
November 22, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Television images can have massive implications on relationship expectations, whether we are conscious of this or not. All the constant imagery we are exposed to on a daily basis builds to develop supposedly expected norms in a relationship. However in…
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M. Rodriguez
November 22, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Many believe that each relationship requires different ingredients for long-term success, and others think there is a specific path or formula to “get it right”. I have found after witnessing many relationships succeed and fail that all successful couples share…
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Jane Allyson
November 22, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Coming to terms with the fact that your partner has a cheating heart takes guts and determination. Your heart is broken and your trust has been abused in a terrible way. Not only do you have to face the fact…
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November 22, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Most definitely. I believe that all couples considering getting married should live together for at least 6 months. A month or two isn’t really going to show you how a person really lives, their personality in day to day living….
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Home Boy
November 22, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
”My database does not encompass the dynamics of human pair-bonding….” Arnold Schwarzenegger, Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines. I quite often feel this way when I try to figure out how to act as a husband and when I try…
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Kim Sharpe
November 22, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Marriage is only as good as the vows that two people make to each other. If two people do not honor and believe in their marriage vows then you have no marriage. So can two people just live together as…
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Dustin Anderson
November 22, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
The big question is: are all men the same. Well the answer to that is both yes and no. Yes they can be the same in some ways and not the same in others. But this still doesn’t answer the…
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Suzanne Roerig
November 22, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
I sat back and watched my marriage end, as if it was a movie rolling in front of me. The screen was of the last 18 years. As unexpected as it was for him, it was a long time coming…
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Elaine Sihera
November 22, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
The main rules for success from dating to marriage is: DON’T CHANGE THE RULES! It is amazing what transformation in a couple the two little words ‘MY husband’ and MY wife” can bring. There they were, getting on fantastically during…
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K. Marsh
November 22, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Couples should most definitely live together before getting married. Every relationship goes through the honeymoon phase. We’ve all been there. Everything your new found love does is cute – the way he bites his lip, the way she flips her…
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A. E. Rivera
November 22, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
What kind of a woman marries a man behind bars? This is the first question people generally ask when they learn about someone who has married an inmate. People typically assume that women who marry men behind bars have something…
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dizzy turtle
November 22, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Almost one in three marriages end in divorce. Could not living together before marriage be a contributing factor to these statistics? Probably not, but it might have helped both partners get an idea of what married life could be like….
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Tina Callison - 193503
November 22, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
He popped the question. You have the ring. Wedding planning is in full swing. While you are picking out everything from bridesmaids’ dresses to flowers and centerpieces, don’t forget to sit down with your fiance and have some meaningful discussions…
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J Meckes
November 22, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
This is a subject that has been a work in process for me since I’ve been married. Being married for 33 plus years now, I’ve always believed that married couples are responsible for each other’s happiness. It’s a daily process…
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Sj Daley
November 22, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
I think couples SHOULD live together BEFORE marriage.Love should not be dictated by a piece of paper.I feel you get to truly know that person, their fallacies and faults, their quirks, their habits, their goals, their dreams, their passions, their…
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josie jones
November 22, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
me and my husband had only been together ten months when we got married, I’ve always been around happily married people. my parents have been married for 26 years and they are still extremely happy, obviously being happily married does…
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Ima Ninja
November 22, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
The best technique for assuring yourself of a long lasting and fruitful marriage is to first ask yourself, “why do I want to get married?” I think this is a fundamental question that’s too often ignored. I am in my…
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Faith Stewart
November 22, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Anybody who knows me know how much I just love spending time online and I love answering questions, giving people valuable information, and expressing my beliefs & opinions to other people. That’s exactly why I spend most of my time…
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Gary Zalben
November 22, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Here Are The Qualifications For A Perfect Marriage Human love in marriage or relationships cannot last unless it divinely expresses itself. If you do not have the power of magnetizing divine love whose source is alone in God, marriage will…
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V. Kumar
November 21, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Marriage is like a “one and a half way traffic street”. It is not irreversible, so can not be called “one way”, but the other way round, i.e.. getting out of marriage, is only half a way, as you are…
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Jesslyn Tai Hwei Yong
November 21, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Most of us will talk about quality time with our kids, but did u ever think of to spend quality time with your love one? I am going to share mine here. Before having kids, of course hubby and I…
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Natalie Barnes
November 21, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
If you haven’t seen “Tyler Perry’s Why Did I Get Married” you must. Plan a date-night with your honey or go with a bunch of friends, I don’t care how you see it you just have to see it. I…
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Josiah King
November 21, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
I will start out by saying, to some who will be reading this, if not most, my marriage is still young. But, wisdom isn’t all about age, but also experience, and not all personal experience at that. My wife and…
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