Existence of Aliens and Ufos

We Are Not Alone! – 57 alien species

That’s the startling assertion made, by Sergeant Clifford Stone who allegedly worked on top-secret government projects, at the National Press Club in Washington, DC on Wednesday, May 9, 2001 as he launched The Disclosure Project to propound” the reality of UFOs or extraterrestrial vehicles, extraterrestrial life forms, and resulting advanced energy and propulsion technologies.”

Why has so little been heard about these startling revelations? Conspiracy, I hear you shout? Yes and No, Dr. Steven M. Greer states several reasons for this in an exclusive Interview by Jean-Noel Bassior published in that “well-known scientific publication” Hustler magazine’s November 2005 issue.:

1) politicans and serious scientists are scared of being pilloried and ridiculed by the media;

2) the CIA have contacts or resources at every major media outlet to kill, spin or stop stories;

3) Also, people can’t wrap their minds around it – it’s just too far-out…..serious publications never run it because it’s

associated with tabloids and the lunatic fringe.

Greer and Stone of The Disclosure Project Based in Crozet, Virginia; allege that for more than 50 years shadowy government agencies have suppressed information about extraterrestrials and the use of E.T technology. They make a chilling claim that at least two major supporters have been murdered for daring to or purporting to speak out in support of The Discovery Project and its startling claims.

Dr Eugene Mallove, scientific aeronautical and astronautical engineer (MIT and Harvard) as well as being a reputable scientific journalist and lecturer whom many would claim to be the godfather of Cold Fusion was fatally beaten May14, 2004 in Norwich, Connecticut and to date nobody has been convicted of his murder.

William Colby former Director of the CIA was found floating down the Potomac River the week he was going to meet with Steven Greer’s closest friend. Greer claims that Colby’s best friend, an unnamed Colonel, who allegedly set up the meeting stipulated, “it was absolutely a hit”. He refers to a CNN interview with Colby’s widow, “You know, it was strange, because he would never go out canoeing in a flooded, rain-swollen Potomac River at night and leave the house open and the coffeemaker and the computer on.”

Greer also alleges that at this time his right-hand assistant, a member of Congress who was working very closely with The Project and himself all got a deadly type of cancer in the same month – “different kinds. ……………But it absolutely can be done, it was done, and everyone died but me. I was devastated, and it took me 18 months to recover.” Greer claims this can be done by technology such as scalar electromagnetic weapons systems using longitudinal waveforms as a carrier wave.

Coincidentally I can safely vouch for at least 30 years of the 50 years witholding and suppressing technology.

Like Greer, as a schoolboy I became fascinated by aerial phenomenon for which nobody could apparently proffer serious explanations. My parents and I even witnessed several in the 1970s thorughout various parts of Scotland. In 1976 I purchased and had airmailed from the US a book on UFOs and inside was a picture of a strange looking aircraft it called a Stealth bomber which was invisible to radar as a result of discoveries made at Roswell, New Mexico. It was only when I was a mature student at the University of Kent some 13 years later that the first official UK pictures of stealth bombers were released. What about the other 17years I hear you postulate?

In 1997, while I attended a talk and discussion in London on the “possibility of Interstellar space travel” I quized one of the speakers, who claimed to have worked for the RAF before doing his research on Electro Magnetic Design Engineering. As US Stealth technology has been suppressed for at least 13 years is it not theoretically possible that even greater technology is possibly behind UFO sightings and not evidence of aliens?

“We”, by that he means the British, “had Stealth technology before the Americans…. I was working on it before the Americans started on it”

Really when was that? I quickly interjected before he had time to realise he may have said too much?

“Oh in the mid 60s!” He began to realise he had strayed too far but didn’t want to clamp up too obviously. Time for one more questioned I postulated as a I sat between a journalist from the Evening Standard and one from Time Out who suddenly realised I was onto something and later approached.

So you had a working prototype?


When was that 65 62 or earlier?

“around 62! I think we are diverting away from the discussion a bit so I’ll move on”

On the way out another former RAF guy to whom I had given my address earlier puzzled me by saying quietly as I left:

“Keep your head down!”

The journalists never showed up and could not be contacted and that phrase came up again strangely when I was watching an episode of the Xfiles and somone says it to David Duchovny. It was then that I realised it was a warning that stems from the days of the trenche warfare – keep your head down in case you get shot! I deicided not to go ahead with the story myself if even they weren’t going to get involved!