Cryselle Birth Control Side Effects

Cryselle 28 is a combination of two synthetic female hormones, Ethinyl Estradoil and Norgestrel, prescribed as an oral birth control pill for women who are still in the childbearing stage of their lives.

Cryselle prevents ovulation which is the monthly release of female eggs from the ovary.  It is a prescription-only contraceptive which causes changes to occur within the cervical mucous and lining of the uterus, thus preventing the fertilized egg from attaching itself to the lining of the uterus.

Useful as it might be for its intended purpose, there are numerous side-effects associated with Cryselle; therefore before it is prescribed a number of factors are normally taken into consideration by the physician. Its effectiveness can be compromised by other medication making it less effective, in which case the physician should be made aware of all current medication regimes including over-the-counter medicines such as Tylenol, vitamin C, minerals supplements, herbal preparations, HIV medication and antibiotics.

Cryselle has been known to cause birth defects and should be discontinued immediately if pregnancy has been confirmed. Women who have recently given birth are also advised to wait at least four weeks before beginning to take Cryselle. The hormone can pass into the breast milk, and harm the baby, therefore breast feeding mothers are advised not to use Cryselle until the breast feeding period has ceased.

Women with circulatory problems, high blood pressure, vascular diseases, history of jaundice cause by birth control pills, unusual uterine bleeding, liver disease, migraine headaches are advised against taking Cryselle 28. Whilst smokers who are thirty five and over are at particularly high risk of strokes, blood clots and heart attacks.  It also has a tendency to increase blood sugar level therefore diabetics need to take additional care to ensure that they properly monitor their blood sugar level. On the up-side, scientific research have been able to establish that it Cryselle helps to prevent ovarian and uterine cancer as well as being a highly effective birth control pill when taken as prescribed.

Like all medication, Cryselle 28 should be taken exactly as prescribed which one pill is each day. When the regime first starts some women experience breakthrough bleeding during the first three months, if it continues beyond this time or becomes heavy, the physician should be informed.  It should ideally be taken at the same time each day and monitoring visits to see the physician should be kept.

If an allergic reaction occurs such as hives, difficulty breathing, swollen face, lips tongue or throat, prompt medical advice should be sought.  Other more serious side effects needing emergency medical intervention includes sudden weakness, especially on one side, headaches, problems with vision, speech and balance, beast lumps, jaundice, psychological changes such as depression, mood change, sleeplessness, swollen hands and feet.  This list of possible side-effects is not exhaustive and any concerns should be discussed with the care provider.