UFO Aliens Steven Greer 57 Aliens

In 1979 the NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) Skylab project was coming to an abrubt end, as the used and abandoned space station was in a rapidly decaying orbit and was expected to plunge to earth sometime during the early part of the summer of that year.

This was a top news story for that time in the San Francisco Bay area. At the time I was in the US Navy and stationed at the Alameda Naval Air Station on the east side of the bay. It was a warm and very clear night, so I, along with my then wife Karen and a good friend decided to go out and attempt to see the Skylab pass overhead on the way to its final grave somewhere in one of the worlds oceans. We were looking south, which was the general direction that we would have needed to look to see the space station as it passed overhead.

Suddenly we saw something move over our heads from the opposite direction, we turned around and looked up. We were stunned to see an extremely large craft hovering over our heads. It made no sound, was rectangular in shape and dimmly lighted around its perimeter by small white lights. The object stopped over our position and hovered for approximately thirty seconds, it rotated approximately ninety degrees and moved slowly off to the south. The object was enormous and was probably bigger than two football fields and it did not reflect any ambient lighting. I later learned that the object had been observed by multiple witnesses around the bay area.

Approximately a year later, I was deployed on a training mission in the Pacific off the coast of San Diego Calfornia, when I observed yet another unusual unidentified object. It was a craft which was disc shaped, and traveling at an extremely high rate of speed, and it ran silently, leaving no vapor trail. There were two witnesses to this event, which were myself and another shipmate of mine.

Both of these sightings can be classified as “hardware” or “Machinery” sightings. They were clearly some type of aircraft, which were utilizing unknown technologies for lift and propulsion. Though no one knows for sure who is operating these type of craft and for what purposes. So it is indeed very difficult to say that these craft are of alien or extraterestial orign.

But there is circumstantial evidence which seems to suggest that someone has acquired advanced technology. The first and most obvious piece of evidence can be found by simply examining a timeline of human history. Mankind has advaced farther in the last one hundred years than in the previous ten thousand years. And since the end of world war two, mankind (or at least our technology) as advanced beyond anyones wildest dreams Even early science fiction writers would be shocked by such progress.

In the last few years, people have come forward in an attempt to confirm that something real is in fact taking place. Men like Bob Lazar, who claimed to be a physicist who worked at the infamous Area-51, and who also claimed to been part of a program to back engineer recovered alien space craft for human use. Several Astronauts from the eraly NASA days (Mercury, Gemini and Apollo missions) have come forward and revealed that they too have had encounters with craft of unknown origin. This last fact is almost the smoking gun of Ufology.

In addition to this, a Ufologist by the name of Dr. Steven Greer (Disclosure Project http://www.disclosureproject.org/ has been working to get the government to disclose what they may already know to be true. However, when it comes to UFO (Unidentified Flyig Objects) research, proof is always elusive, and stories backed up with little to no physical evidence is common.

During a press conference Moderated by Dr. Stevens Greer, a retired military Non-Commissioned Officer by the name of Clifford Stone came forward and claimed to have knowledge of at least fifty seven different alien spieces who are here on earth. During the conference he provided no real proof except his own statements.

Disclosure is certainly an honorable and worthwhile goal, however, Ufologists should be cautious about presenting such evidence in the way of statements, and allowing such content to be displayed in media. Such information when not presented from a purely scientific or empirical perspective could do more harm than good.