Handwriting Analysis

It is not generally known, I suppose, but the fact is that we all have access to all knowledge, through our own soul, at all times. There are never any secrets then, as such, except for what we are not accessing right now, because we are not in need of accessing this information right now, on our journey through life.

There are many ways to access this knowledge, and handwriting analysis is one of them.

This small general introduction brings me to this question:

Is there any real connection to truth, our own truth, or to truth generally, to be found from examining our own handwriting, or other people’s handwriting for that matter?

Handwriting analysis is in some ways a dying art, as people move to computers more and more. But in all things physical, there are clues pointing to who you really are. Handwriting is no different, and allows you various insights into your own personality, and subconsciously held beliefs and thoughts.

Handwriting can reveal an aspect of yourself that you are trying to conceal, even from yourself.

The size of your handwriting is simply linked to the size of your own confident handling, or not of your own life. The smallness of writing, and your utilising a style which is smaller than normal in the size of your lettering, is a sign that you are wanting to hide your true self away, and diminish what you show of yourself to others.

This is not always the case, but we are talking about generally. If a person starts to change his or her handwriting, and it becomes smaller in size, this is a good indicator that something else is going on, in his or her life. Not much can be found to be really true, just from an assessment of someone’s current handwriting style, and from examining only one piece of their handwriting.

The true assessment can only be made from taking samples of his or her handwriting, from differing periods in their lives, and then comparing the changes made over this longer time period. The changes are all being made for a reason, and sometimes for a good reason. Often the reason is only to help to hide themselves further away from the world. This is arising from a fear of the world, and fear is easily seen in their handwriting, in the lack of fluidity, and in the extra sharpness, or edginess in the characters used.

How does handwriting reveal anything about our true inner working? How does it show us some hidden thinking patterns, and behavioural tendencies, that we might be adhering to unconsciously in our lives?

Handwriting goes to the inner, because the truth is that all the inner parts of you are always connected to the outer parts of you.

What the handwriting is showing you, is an aspect of your inner self, portrayed pictorially in your writing. Writing as such is a picture of where you are really at, in your life. The loops, and shape, and construction, the time that you take, the characteristics, and flair of the writing, show a certain tendency to be exactly like that in other areas of your life as well. Your handwriting style matches your personality type.

All become mirrors and pointers for you, when you are able to notice these truths connecting to all aspects of your inner and outer life. Specifically though, we cannot supply individualised details to interpret this for others, in their lives. This is because to obtain an accurate assessment of your handwriting, it is requiring you to know yourself, and really the truth is that you are really only ever able to properly interpret it for yourself. Your own handwriting is linked to you symbolically by your own symbolism, created in you, usually by your own soul.

Similar to dream interpretation, only generalised remarks, or common distinguishing features that are broadly based, can be gathered together, and noted for examination, or general knowledge type purposes, but generalised advice such as this, will never conceptualise the exact picture happening for you individually. A dream dictionary, or a dictionary of graphology traits and patterns, is only a guide for yourself and others, but the real analysis must come from the interpretation of your own soul’s method of communicating itself to you.

Only you can know the truth of yourself, but once you know your own truth, it can lead you to seeing aspects of the greater truth, and so you will understand others better, from all of these types of helpful tools as well. Handwriting analysis can assist you to understand where others might also be coming from in their lives, and so allow you to feel more empathetic towards them

You need to try to find your own symbols, and interpretations, and explanations for your own style of writing. This is not so difficult to do, as it might at first appear to be. When you look at the forming of the letters, the linking of the letters, and the flow of the words and writing, you will find that you will begin to just know the depositary conditioning elements deposited into your own writing, to allow you to link back to your own subconscious.

Consciously looking for connections in this way, always leads to the true connection being shown to you in one way or another. This is the way your consciousness level grows in awareness, and moves you closer towards God consciousness, and back to a total living from unconditional love. We are all on this path heading in this same direction.

The subconscious always manifests to you outwardly in some way, and reveals itself to you outwardly, as well as inwardly in your dreams. You just have to begin to read, and to know your own signs for acquiring insights into the workings of your own mind and soul. You have to get to know yourself, and to learn the symbolic language of your own soul, expressing itself to you through your dreams, or through other methods of divination, such as handwriting analysis, or even such things as Tarot cards.

And so handwriting analysis as found in books, is never truly authentically specific, but only a general conglomeration, and an amalgamation of observed observations, and created facts.

All of these types of divination techniques, even including psychology, are based on general concepts of behavioural structured patterns, based on observing specific occurring incidences, combined into a database of generalised knowledge. But for the unique individual, we must always allow for them being unique.

For anyone to really find their true reasons for being, and to understand the reasons for themselves acting as they do, observed generalisations such as those offered in books, and those given by outside persons, might or might not help them to be able to do this. They could act as a pointer to help them to move forwards in the right direction, or they could actually head them off more into the wrong direction.

Handwriting is an outward representation of the inner you. It has been shown that you can consciously change your personality by altering your handwriting. This is of course not really altering your real personality, just accessing it in a better way, and that was being blocked off beforehand, by all of these constructed defensive mechanisms, of which your handwriting is one.

Life experiences can cause you to feel fearful at times, when you temporarily don’t feel the love that is still there, and is always really there, at all times, in your life. We then set up a disguise of our real inner selves as a defence mechanism, or as a protection, from the outside world. We try to defend ourselves against our fears, which never do really exist when we can acknowledge the presence of this love.

There is always some sort of real connection that is going on in both directions however.

Handwriting reveals an aspect of your personality that is grown by you purposely, and enabling you to grow outwardly in this way in order to cope with your outer world problems. This is then displayed as a mirror or beacon to attract yourself to yourself, and also to give an internal message outwardly to other souls. The real you though, only you, will ever truly know, what all of this really means for you.

Others can attempt to try to tell you the meaning, but it always only a generalised meaning. If your handwriting slopes backwards towards the left, for example, they might say to you that you are a negative person. This may or may not be true for you. And an interpretation made to early, which judges you and pigeonholes you into to fitting under a certain label such as this, can actually do untold damage to your psyche.

You might not have been negative at all, another reason might be involved here, but by repeatedly telling you that you are negative, this self fulfilling prophecy just might be fulfilled. This actually happened in my own life, when my father told me that my handwriting was very small, showing that I was mean in spirit, and it was slanting backwards, and he interpreted this to add to the meanness, pointing out how negative I was as well.

At such an early age when my personality was not fully structured or set up, these conditioning remarks of my father, I feel are still affecting me to this day. I am subject to bouts of depressive melancholy, all because of this external factor of my Dad, I think, pointing me in that negative direction, by his influential analysis of who he said that I was, and who and what type of person that he thought that I would only ever become. My Dad fancied himself as a handwriting expert of some sort.

It is an accurate statement that by consciously changing any unconscious habit, such as your ingrained style of writing, you can cause a mental shake up of yourself, to occur inside of you, and so help to bring about the needed change from a stagnation of being, that has been fixated by fear, and so is not changing inside of you right now.

When you alter your own handwriting style consciously in any way, even by writing left handedly, you will access other parts of your psyche, and so help to get newer insights into the way that you are really being made up, or put together from your different lower bodies.

Your physical, emotional and mental bodies all influence you in their own way. The overrider should be you though, working as soul, through these bodies, and so to be wholly you, utilise all of these tools to detect the parts of you that are working from an automatically timed response from one of your lower bodies, rather than still incorporating, or adding the true insightful connection that is possible to make to the real you, in all that you do are doing.

Handwriting analysis can assist you to do this, and to help you find and to be the real you. Just make sure that the you that you find is the real you, and not the you that some handwriting expert, authority or book is trying to tell you that you are. Only you are you, and only you know the real you. Your life will never be completely real, until you are being this real you, and not someone that some other person, or system is telling you that you are.

Personality is an aspect of your soul. The soul expresses itself outwardly in both conscious and unconscious ways. Sometimes your soul is being blocked from being itself in your life by your ego either acting consciously or unconsciously. When you are allowing your ego to go after its own wants, subconsciously your handwriting will then show you, in some way, that you are being manipulated away from being your real self.

Look at your handwriting when you are feeling a strong emotional desire or pull in any direction, and you will see a subtle alteration in the style of your handwriting. Your handwriting, when you are being driven by ego’s wants, and when your ego is utilising your emotions and thoughts to support its own causes, creates a disjointed imbalance in your lettering, and the words are not flowing as well as the fullness possible and normally visible, in your writing.

Your writing will appear warped, distorted, and abridged, and only a shadow of your normal free flowing style. Freeness of writing shows flow and the expressiveness of your uniqueness, otherwise the writing is characterized not by its own characteristics, but by a smallness of connection, and the missing of consistency, or overall structural similarity in your style. The soul of your writing is now missing. Your writing has developed the personality characteristics of your ego, and not now of your soul.

This can be see readily by comparing samples of your own handwriting made at different times in your life. Examine some of your own writing when you were still a child, and it will reveal more to you for yourself, of yourself, than many years of counselling could ever uncover. It’s all there just waiting to be looked at now, in the light of your experiences since then, and from applying an understanding attitude of acceptance and love to the child that you once where then.

Your handwriting exactly matches your personality, and when you are living from your true personality coming from your soul, this will be reflected in your handwriting. In a similar way when your personality is only shallow and ego based, this too will be reflected in the style of your handwriting as well. Look at your handwriting when you were a child to see and determine the growth pattern, and then to notice either the further growth and full emergence of your soul personality, or maybe only the subsequent covering over of your true personality still based, but now hidden, in your soul, by your ego.