Bad Breath causes and Prevention

Bad breath, or halitosis, is an affliction that affects nearly everyone at one point or another. Decremental to first dates, job interviews, and nearly every social situation, bad breath is an embarrassing personal hygiene problem. Though caused by a variety of different reasons, there are many things one can do to prevent finding themselves ostracized socially.

One of the biggest contributors to halitosis are foods rich in certain volatile oils. Onions and garlic are examples of foods which wreak havoc on a person’s breath. Not only do these foods have potent odors which linger in the mouth, once their oils reach the blood stream they eventually find their way into the lungs. Once entered into the respiratory system, these oils can result in horribly bad breath for up to 72 hours after consumption.

Poor dental hygiene is another cause of chronic bad breath. After a meal, food particles can become lodged in between a person’s teeth. Left untreated, these particles begin to rot and eventually cause bacteria sulfide vapors to form in the mouth, as well as a certain amount of plaque buildup, which results in a foul odor omitting from the mouth.

Dry mouth, xerostomia, is a major cause of bad breath. Saliva in the mouth works to kill dangerous bacteria, but a lack of enough saliva can cause the mouth to become a breeding ground for foul smelling bacterias. Caused by certain meals, salivary gland problems, and breathing through the mouth, not having enough saliva in the mouth is a common reason for chronic bad breath.

Certain diseases such as lung infections, kidney or liver failure, and diabetes all carry with them the side effect of foul smelling breath. In addition, smoking tobacco can leave a person with bad breath for hours after consumption.

Not only are there bad breath remedies that can help alleviate a problem, there are also things one can do to stop bad breath, such as maintaining stringent dental hygiene. Brushing and flossing after each meal can help prevent foods from lingering between the teeth. Frequently changing toothbrushes, as well as routine visits to the dentist also are good ideas. Another bad breath remedy is to drink lots of water, thereby preventing a dry mouth. Eating candy or chewing gum that stimulate saliva production are also important. Finally, while only a temporary fix, breath mints, chewing on fresh parsley, and eating sugarless mints can mask bad breath for a short period.