Ways to Stop Bad Breath

Ways to Stop Bad Breath

There are a number of ways to stop bad breath, as more often than not, it comes down to poor dental hygiene. Smelly breath is often an indication of some underlying cause, such as tooth decay, or gum disease, as opposed to eating pungent foods.

Likewise, you can easily find more than one cause for bad breath, such as a result of poor oral cleanliness, to the overall condition of your health . Hence, in this post, we are going to be looking at some of the more typical reasons for halitosis and, a few common tricks for you to use to fix the issue.

Do you have bad breath? Not an out of the ordinary affliction certainly, all the same, not an issue any of us really wants. This of course is an undoubtedly humiliating situation, although it does not always have to be so.

The Foods You Eat.
There are particular foods that can lead to an impact on whether or not you suffer from unpleasant mouth odor. At the same time, there will always be some particles from the foods still left in your mouth, whether it be in between teeth, or on top of your tongue.

By having protein foods, for example, milk, cheese, fish, eggs, red meat, or poultry, when we introduce this food group to the over-abundance of bacteria currently working inside your mouth, with the ensuing gases given off, you can find yourself with a  malodorous breath.

Such bacteria, degrading the remaining food, generate gas as a result of this performance and this is often a major reason for the way your breath smells. The bacteria work at eating the pieces of foodstuff on the back of your tongue and throat, producing gases like hydrogen sulphide and skatol, as well as others.

Your Good Oral Hygiene.

There can be no question that careful maintenance and good oral hygiene, will help to keep any bad breath problems in check. Brush your teeth, tongue and gums following meals and floss each day. This is the most important factor if your bad breath is caused by dental problems.

Not only do food items stuck in between the teeth increase bad breath situations, because it essentially goes bad in your mouth, on top of that, this will increase the process of tooth decay. Using mouth wash, once you have brushed your teeth, will, no doubt get rid of most of the bacteria absorbing the left over food particles.

In your waking hours, saliva clears spoiling foodstuffs and bad smells. If you find that you possess a dryish mouth, chewing sugar-free gum helps the production of saliva. On account of your body producing less saliva whilst you are sleeping,

A respectable mouth wash, once you have scrubbed your teeth, is going to destroy almost all of the bacteria dealing with the left over food items. Even though your own saliva is going to get rid of a certain amount of of the bacteria in your mouth, while you are asleep and hardly putting out saliva, the bacteria goes crazy. This is the main reason for waking up to “morning mouth”.

Tartar and Plaque.

Tartar and plaque destroys the enamel of your teeth, if left uncontrolled. Tartar and plaque also creates yet another place for foodstuffs to get lodged. It can be a bit of work to eliminate these substances through cleaning your teeth, which means that this then contributes to any breath smell troubles.

Regular appointments with your dentist to get rid of plaque build-up are important. Once a dental practitioner cleans plaque, continued scrubbing and flossing will help to decrease plaque regeneration. However, regardless of good dental maintenance, plaque will ultimately start to accumulate once more.


Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums. Even though not uncommon, it is nonetheless rather serious. Gingivitis can precipitate tooth decay, which if let develop out of control, will create suppuration, and that’s only going to exacerbate breath stink.

To test for gingivitis, gently pull down your bottom lip and take a look at the point at which your gums and teeth join. Discoloration of the gums where they come in contact with the teeth, means you in all probability already have it.

To forestall gingivitis, dental appointments on a regular basis to get rid of plaque build-up, is a must. At the same time, brushing your teeth at any convenient opportunity and using mouth wash regularly, will all help to keep your mouth healthy.
If you find that no matter how diligent you are with your oral maintenance, that you still have smelly breath,make an appointment with your dentist. Your dentist will be able to deal with any obvious dental problems, and guide you with your oral hygiene and ways to stop bad breath.