Where do Ufos come from

The question remains that if we know that at least 5 per cent of flying objects remain ‘unidentified’ {that is to say, of unknown origin}, then from where do these objects come?  To answer this question means us looking at the whole concept of space in a different way to the way we have been.  If new theories are correct about space, then every single science book would have to be re-written.

The new theory is this: that instead of us looking at space as one whole ‘universe’ that contains many millions, and, indeed, billions of galaxies, what if space was not what we thought it was?  What if space was/is a mulitiverse?  Let us ponder on that question, for it could open up whole new clues as to where indeed, UFOs come from.

Centuries ago, the standard theory was that the Earth was flat, and that the Sun circled the Earth.  Indeed, anyone who strayed from that ‘fact’ was deemed a heretic, and burned at the stake. Centuries ago, it was thought that the Sun was NOT the centre of the universe but the Earth was. But Advanced Science proved beyond all doubt that the Earth orbited the Sun, and that the world was not flat.

Now take this one step further if you will.  Ten years into the 21st Century, and many years before, the thought that we where within ONE universe was standard. Science books all basically told us the same thing…that we are part of one universe in which are billions of stars and galaxies. No one challenged this view for years…indeed, no one dared too, in case they would be laughed at

It seems that science though is moving ever forward, and some scientists are beginning to look at space and the universe in a whole new light. dark matter was discovered in space {dark matter is the material that is invisible, yet its gravitational pull can be felt by other physical objects and visible matter such as planets.}  Now, with dark matter, this energy that contains no atoms as we know off, and that was discovered by the Hubble Space Telescope, has to come from somewhere and be going somewhere.

If the theory is correct, and there is no reason why it should not be, then the discovery of this dark matter could lead us to the possibility of ‘other universes’.  In other words, what if the universe our planet resides in is one of many billions of others? What if our Universe is attached, or linked, to other universes by some sort of umbilical cord?  And that other universes, far older, far bigger, and far more in advance of our own are attached to each other, and our own too, by the same umbilical cord which branches out even further to other universes?

Then one could take it another step further: what if these ‘other universes’ contained life forms far in advance of our own? And what if those life forms could come and go as they pleased, visiting one universe, then another one? And the biggest mind-breaker of all is what if our universe is attached to a ‘parent universe’ that is so close, yet not visible to our instruments. Another universe that is floating just above our own?  Indeed, with universes so close to one another, it would stand to reason that, what we would deem as UFOs, would be able to come and go as they so pleased.  Not only that, but what if our own universe is a ‘parent’ to another universe that is still in its infancy?

This new theory, for a ‘multiverse’ instead of one universe is given credence by the mere fact that dark matter exists. If this theory of other universes proves to be true, then it would be the greatest discovery in the history of mankind on earth, and on a par with the eventual discovery of Life after Death.

The Multiverse Theory is being looked at seriously by scientists, and it could really tell us where UFOs do indeed come from. Indeed, what if UFOs are much more closer than we think, in terms of planetary distance or light years?  The theory is really mind-boggling and would force us, as a human species, to look at our own Universe in a whole new different way.

The Goldfish Theory

It would be akin to the Goldfish Theory. You are a goldfish, swimming around in your pond. In fact your pond is the only world you know that exists and contains life. You are ignorant of other ponds,and other lakes because you have never seen them. So, you swim around, blissfully unaware that life exists outside of your pond…until one day. You are scooped up out of your pond and put in a plastic bag full of water.

Your owner carries you, and as he does so, you notice other life forms, other lakes, other ponds and rivers. You even notice life outside those ponds, on land. You stare in wonder as your eyes are finally opened, and your mind takes in the fact, that other life forms DO exist outside of your own little world.

What if our universe is one of many billions of ponds, and we are but a mere speck, a mere drop of water among them all?  We are ignorant of the fact that the ‘other ponds’ exists, so we go about our business blissfully unaware. From time to time we may look up and see crafts of an unknown origin in our skies,gliding by, and we may stare in awe and wonder, but then we go back to what we where doing and think nothing more of what we have just glimpsed.

I believe that this theory,and the discovery of dark matter, could be the breakthrough that we have been waiting for. This theory – if studied closely – could blow away all our conceptions and previous ideas we had about our own universe. It would force us to look at ourselves, and our place in the grand scheme of things 

And it would also force us to realize that our universe is not ONE, but ONE of MANY, all attached to each other by an invisible umbilical chord.  The question would then be answered about UFOs as to where exactly they are coming from…and going too.  Our universe will then be part of a multiverse, and, that is something that we would really have to ponder on.