The best UFO Books

There are a few books that every citizen interested in reading UFO literature that brings the facts to the table should read. A good beginning is Timothy Good’s “Beyond Top Secret”. Some call it the bible of UFO literature because Good covers not only the top UFO stories, he also provides page after page of scanned documents that show the government is investigating UFO reports despite the denials of top officials. Timothy Good may not be the most masterful writer, but he isn’t writing a fictional tale for you to enjoy. He gives you the facts, including evidence in the form of pictures and documentation, and he leaves the evidence on the table for you. So much of what is in this book is incontrovertible, and the most skeptic among us would be paying more attention to the skies after reading this book.

Another very worthwhile read is Major Philip J. Corso’s “The Day After Roswell”. Corso’s claims of seeing Roswell crash materials early in his military career leads to his involvement at the Pentagon with those materials. He articulately outlines the kind of materials he handled, including night vision type goggles and laser instruments, that had not been developed by our military at the time. He claims that our fantastic advancements in these fields are the direct result of the military’s research and development program’s use of Roswell artifacts that he directed to them. “According to Corso, the reverse engineering of these artifacts indirectly led to the development of accelerated particle beam devices, fiber optics, lasers, integrated circuit chips and Kevlar material.” (Wikipedia)

Finally, the must read for everyone is J. Allen Hynek’s “The UFO Experience-A Scientific Inquiry”. Hynek was hired by the US government to debunk all UFO reports because he firmly believed that they could be explained as weather phenomena, familiar aircraft, or stars, planets, meteors, or asteroids. During his work with Project Blue Book, Hynek discovered there were credible witnesses out there who had trained observational skills and knowledge of aircraft. Their stories he could not explain away. He interviewed pilots, police officers, and astronauts, and he realized that the small percentage of UFOs that could not be explained required a new look at the UFO question. He believed that something truly unexplainable was happening, and he believed that explanations could be found only if the scientific were engaged to investigate those unexplained sightings. He began Project Blue Book as a total skeptic of the phenomena, and his own investigations made him reverse the validity of that position. The book itself can be dry with a physicist’s technique, but its information and conclusions are well worth the read.

These are not the newest books on the long list of UFO literature, however, they are some of the most comprehensive. Timothy Good’s book details many sightings and documentation of evidence. Major Corso’s book is explosive in that his credentials are unquestionable and the records of his service at the Pentagon are in order. J. Allen Hynek’s work is definitive because he was hired during the furor of sightings after the Roswell incident, and it was his own scientific approach to the facts that brought his skepticism to a 180 degree turn. These books are cornerstones if you want to begin your exploration into the UFO phenomena or if you just want to find the best of the UFO literature before making the decision to delve into the unknown.