57 Alien Species are Waiting to get to know you

In 2001, the Disclosure Project revealed a long history of shadow operations regarding the activities of 57 different alien species. The Project’s evidence was presented in the form of corroborating official documentation and the testimonies of Army Sergeant Clifford Stone and other highly credible witnesses. The question at hand is to determine what’s more believable: a) every world government is completely truthful to the general public, or, b) other life exists out there in the astoundingly mysterious cosmos? The best way to come up with a decisive viewpoint is to evaluate the pros and cons of the issue and let the opinions fall where they will.

CON: 57 Alien Species Are Waiting To Get To Know You.

The plotline is like a dating service advertisement. I’m okay with that, but, as a scientist, I must maintain my objectivity by first posing the question: are alien women from Alpha Centauri really interested in primitive-but-adorable-Earthmen like myself? Seriously, similar to dating, some aliens must be very dangerous to meet. Why are we still alive?

Unfortunately, in these days of picture-perfect counterfeiting, it’s difficult to know what to believe when it comes to documentation. With an extraordinary amount of money, anything can be forged, but if they had that much money, why wasn’t it used in their presentation? What would sell better – a slick, expensive infomercial, or, a conference held by an underfunded group of brave citizens exposing a massive coverup? Check out the National Press Conference video on youtube.com. You’ll see, hear and feel the powerful revelation that Sergeant Stone imparts to the audience. Sadly, the sound engineering has the quality of a dubbed Godzilla flick and the room’s decor is eerily reminiscent of an insurance seminar. This could almost be part of a 1950’s horror movie. Were they being thrifty in order to appear to be more genuine?

(Dramatic Sigh) Why only 57 aliens? It’s sadly disappointing for two reasons. First, what were they smoking when they dreamed this up? An optimal blend of 57 aliens might win a Blue Ribbon Award, but the Heinz 57 Ketchup connotation sounds outlandish, weird and unsavory to me. Were they thinking that no one would notice? Second, there are more stars in sky than grains of sand on the Earth. That’s a lot of possibilities! Essentially, out of the whole universe, only 57 species came by to say hello? How’s that possible? Oh no, horror of horrors, maybe they think the human race is b-o-r-i-n-g?

Strangely enough, some of the aliens are humanoid in appearance. So, hint-hint, maybe we’re related to them? Actually, it might make sense that they’d delegate some pseudo-humans to interact with us. Now on to the Pro-alien side of the debate…

PRO: Aliens Exist; Deal With It.

It’s entirely possible that ultra-secret agencies have been hiding their activities from both the regular governments and the public. Most people have gotten accustomed to politicians lying about even the most mundane of details, so, no great leap of intellectual faith is required to accept that a greater deception is quite possible.

Many witnesses testified and many official documents were presented, but, undoubtedly, for some people, only the appearance of a flesh-and-blood alien will suffice for evidence. Nothing has changed over the years. People once believed that the Earth was flat. Now, for the most part, they believe it’s round (actually, it’s an oblate spheroid). People desperately cling to what they want to believe, regardless of what the real truth may be.

I don’t know whether or not to believe the Disclosure Project or Sergeant Stone, but the story does sound both viable and credible. Why?

For thousands of years, spaceships and aliens have been mentioned in mythology, folklore and holy texts. Logically, the human race can’t be the source of all of these encounters, but our governments can’t allow its citizens to think that aliens exist. These aliens could come down from the sky, anytime, anywhere, and do whatever they want, and there’d be nothing that could stop them. Think of the widespread fear, panic and chaos that would result if citizens felt that their government was helpless to protect them. That’s why denial is so important.

A long time ago, the government made a choice: the ongoing ‘Are We Alone’ debate was left alone (ha-ha) to promote the illusion of free speech. Strangely, free speech also allowed the appalling flakiness of some of these fringe believers to discredit their own idea. Ever hear of the 1% of the 1% and so on ad-infinitum theory? Essentially, there’s an astronomically small chance of life occurring in the universe, but considering that the universe is so vast and ancient, the shocking conclusion is that there should be a great number of advanced civilizations out there. Similarly, even if a minuscule percentage of the Disclosure-types of people aren’t stark raving mad, then there’s an astounding story out there just waiting to be exposed.


It’s our nature to distrust people who talk about something beyond our comprehension. This habit usually makes sense because there are many people out there who seek to deceive or manipulate us, or, they’re just plain crazy. Alternatively, this inherent distrust is also a strange behavior pattern, considering that, time after time, many firmly held beliefs have been proven both true and untrue. How can anyone know what’s the truth? Personally, I believe that we aren’t alone in the universe.