Where do our Dreams come from

“A dream is a wish that your heart makes.” Walt Disney, (1901 to 1966) American Film producer, from Sleeping Beauty.

“Dreams are more real than reality itself, they’re closer to the self.” Gao Xingjian, (Chinese Writer), from Dialogue and Rebuttal.

Love is the originator of all dreams.

This love stems from its source in your heart and creates its projection in your mind that then reflects the lessons of love into experiences of life to be learned from dreaming. The lesson in a dream is presented in such a way that it embellishes the mind enough to be promoted past itself, and so not to be caught up in itself as it normally is in our waking life.

In this way the mind while awake is usually in control of you, but in a dream the heart is in control and this is why the mind usually has little or no understanding of a dream.

Where do dreams come from?

They come from nowhere, but yourself. Soul is learning about love and its experiences while awake are enough to confuse it from its real position and to move it away from itself. A dream reconnects soul to its own heart of love.

The dream is being written by love and which is also the director, the players and the sender of the message. All dreams are love writing its letters to your mind to try to get you out from your mind and to appreciate again the love in your heart that is coming from your soul.

Dreaming is seeing what you are thinking.

Dreams are only showing you in picture form now what you are really thinking and what is being hidden within your subconscious thoughts about your problems. They are showing you the real reasons why you have such problems and how they are holding you back in your life. Dreams often will also bring you to the right answers, and show you the solutions to these problems.

The insights from a dream are from the love that is home grown in your soul, and planted there by God.

Dreams themselves however originate not from your thoughts, but from your imagination.

What is your imagination?

Imagination is your soul creating solutions for you to problems that arise from experiences that are trying to bring you to your own truth. When you do not accept this truth, or if you are still doubting these truths of your own, or maybe you don’t see the aspect of love that is always coming to you being embedded within them, you must then be shown truth by your soul in another way.

Your dreams bypass your doubts and show you truth as it is, but in a way that the mind can not usually so easily interpret for itself. Dreams are sent to you coded by your heart so as the message of truth will not again be clouded with doubt from your thinking. Our fixed patterns of thinking are all that ever really hold us back. We need a way to become aware of this happening within ourselves, and our dreams serve this purpose for us most admirably.

Thoughts are non existent in dreams. Dreams are more a creation of love imagining from itself to bypass the thoughts in a way to creatively present truth and love in a brand new way to highlight the fact that no problem really ever is a problem like your mind thinks that it is.

All problems are an opportunity to experience a new aspect of love with a greater aware understanding. This increased awareness brought to you from within your dreams can now lead you of course to an even greater self understanding, and to the building of increased life wisdom in you now as well. You are being led to your real self and towards self realisation and to ever increasing levels of consciousness.

Dreams are a form of advanced consciousness that return us to this greater level of self understanding from where we were living from perhaps only our unconscious drives and unawareness and from becoming stuck too much in a lower consciousness. Maybe we are ignoring our spirituality for example and spending too much time with our business or our sport. We then tend to lose some of our internal balance. Dreams help to rebalance us by giving us extra insights into how we are really living our outer lives.

Dreams are shown to us in such a way that the message can get through to our heart. Our mind however will still have problems trying to unscramble them sometimes for itself.

Here’s an example from one of my own dreams to round out this short article on dreams and to show you some of the insights that I obtained from a relatively simple enough dream. No dreams are really that simple however. They are often holding deeply subtle pictures of your truths.

Dreams have to be handled in a self supportive way, and they are not there to criticise you in any way. They need to be looked at from a degree of total acceptance of what they are showing and depicting to you in order for you to see them honestly, and to gain the full impact and lesson being shown to you within them.

I was dreaming that I was at a large University doing a practical chemistry experiment. I hate doing it in my dream, and I’m trying to follow some handwritten note book of the class teacher’s. It has been roneoed off or copied by him for all us students to use. The teacher won’t help us directly himself, and he leaves us to do it all on our own. I notice that another student also there has no lab site of his own like I have, and he also has no equipment to do his assignment on.

He is really keen and enthusiastic to do the experiment however, and so he goes back to his old school to use their equipment to do his experiment on.

I leave the room then and I walk along the long corridor. I overhear a conversation as I walk past some other people. They are talking about people flying. I stop and I say to them that I know how to do that. I then float up into the air, and then I say to them that to move forwards you just need to do a swimming like action while in the air to go either forwards or backwards. They look blankly at me, and they seem rather unimpressed with what I have just said, and in what I am doing, as they continue to walk on down the corridor, and they keep talking to themselves and are completely ignoring me.

The scene in my dream then completely changed, and I was suddenly then at my Mum’s house sorting some papers on the kitchen table. Then I went to the toilet, and I noticed that the plastic seat and the plastic cover were both cracked badly and broken, but not the bowl itself. The ceramic bowl was still in good shape.

Dreams have a habit of jumping about like this, but the apparent disjointedness of the jump or twist in the dream is misleading. The dream scenes are always still connected together in some way.

This dream simply shows me that I have all that I need to make my life work for myself already right now in my life, but that I too often only just ignore the real experiment taking place within my life by rather liking to show off in some way what I think that I already know and something that I think that others don’t know about life. The real purpose of my life should be discerned and fulfilled for me by me testing out new things and from trying new approaches to my life, and by adapting a better attitude to my life and to life generally.

This activity would then lead me towards a more keen and enthusiastic attitude about life and living, and hopefully not to just keep grandstanding on my pedestal in order to just show to others what I think that I have already previously learnt. I could and should be as enthusiastic as my shadow self was being in my dream.

This other side of me shown here as my projected self in my dream and depicted as the other student shows the enthusiastic and active response that I should be showing in my life. There is no need for me to wait for the right conditions and setting to be put in place first. I should move to fully living my life now, and not just put it on hold for any longer by waiting for it to arrive from somewhere other than from in myself.

Every person and character in our dreams are a hidden or shadow part of ourselves. Everything in our dreams are a reflection of our lives, and if we think about it so is our waking life. What we see out there is usually only a projection of who we are and so is only ever reflecting our real self back to us again to help us to see ourselves in a better light.

Learning must be ongoing and the toilet in my other dream represents a continual breakdown of my system of disposal of my knowledge. I accumulate too much knowledge for the sake of that knowledge without learning properly from it. I need to know how to properly learn from my experiences and then to let go of it all again after that.

I need to move on and past all of this to the greater understanding that it is always possible for me to obtain from love’s bringing me its increased and new experiences uniquely for me and to be freshly lived by me. I must learn in myself to not only still live entirely from just all of my old memories only ever being continually revisited and remembered.

Learning is never completed and there is always another step forwards for us all to be taking at all times. Our dreams help us to see this next step, and then they give us the insight to be able to take this step.

So where do our dreams come from?

Our dreams come from an element of our self that is connected to God and to all life. Life dreams of itself and this was how creation came about. First a dream and then the creation of that dream into reality.

Where did dreams come from?

The better question and perhaps more relevant question is where did we come from?

We were born from out one of God’s dreams, and we continue to create and recreate our own selves from our own dreams with the help of the hand of God, and his love always still influencing us both in our dreams and in our lives.