The Personal Significance of Dreams

A large percentage of people recall the experience of at least one dream in their lifetime. Regardless of age, sex and race dreaming is something that everyone experiences. This is the ultimate representation of human natures shared experience. Even if you dont remember the details of the dream, whether the dream is in black and white or full colour, if its is realistic or fantastical a dream is a dream and like many experiences they represent different things for different people. Dreams are your own expressions, but of what?

As children many of us awake scared, this is our brains way of teaching us about dreams and the possibility that anything can happen in a dream. Some people believe that dreams are our inner most thoughts and desires, the Freudian belief is that it is the ultimate act of our unconcious mind, there is a world of possibilities of what the significance of dreams are. I firmly believe that dreams are the way we work things out. The last thing that is on our mind before we drift off into sleep is what we dream about. I am a believer in this and I also believe that it is possible to alter our dreams by changing our pre-sleep mindset. When you awake from a dream it is your opportunity to change the path of the dream and solve the issues that haunt your self while you are awake.

The neurological aspects of sleep and wakefullness are important to solve issues of when we dream and what occurs physiologically but these things will not solve the questions of what the contents of our dreams are trying to express. Dreams can be frightening, may feel realistic and can be highly emotional experiences. For something to effect you in this way it needs to be appraised as having importance to you. Although some dreams may be small, they are never insignificant and should not be discounted. Bad dreams can let your express suppressed emotions and anxeties, this notion is Freudian in content that bad dreams involve unconcious emotions. But what constitues a bad dream and a good dream is different for people individually.

Do certain aspects of dreams help to explain the purpose of the dream? What does the colouring of a dream represent, are colourful dreams more realistic? If a dream is animated, fantastical or feels real surely this must mean something? These things can only be answered by the dreamer. Analysing your dreams may help you learn something about yourself. Something that is far more valuable than what a psychology journal or book can tell you.

Dreams are a personal expression of self whether it be unconcious, memorable, colourful, realistic or a method of solving your own problems. Dream often…its your brains way of clearing your head.