Understanding Anger and its Impact

Anger is a combination of emotional and physical changes. Anger occurs when the body’s large energy released in a chemical form that releases adrenaline. Anger is a normal process that has allowed humans to evolve and adapt, but problems will arise when you cannot control the anger.

The fact is that everybody gets angry. Whether or not it is a family member, a co-employee or the stranger who took our parking spot, we all get angry. The issue with getting angry is that there is a small probability that it would solve the problem, but a better chance it will create new ones.

What makes anger so dangerous is that it may happen so quickly we’ve lost control before we even realize it. The one technique to decrease the damage is to get back control.

Who really suffers whenever you get anger?  The Buddha said, “Holding on to anger is like holding on to a red-hot coal, you’re the only one who’s going to get burned.”

Before we can start to diminish our anger we first have to know what causes anger. There may be actually just one purpose why we get angry and that’s as a result of someone didn’t act the way we wished them to. Fascinating, isn’t it? Anger shouldn’t be an action, but how we reply to another’s action. Getting indignant is letting someone else control you.

Why when we hurt ourselves physically we learn not to do it again, but when we hurt ourselves emotionally we repeat the same action over and over? No one benefits from anger.

The best way to end an argument is to bite your tongue. That’s not admitting fault, it’s controlling the anger. Take back control! Besides, even if you win the argument, you still can’t enjoy the present if you’re angry about the past.

Alternative prevent anger is to press the energy until a certain time limit until your anger is reduced or even lost. This means you hold the emotions that keep you from overreacting to the situation in a state of anger.

On the other hand, let your anger run in a fashion that is not controlled can cause others to also become angry or upset with you. But on the other hand, anger can create satisfaction, such as depression can release feelings of frustration. It is important to understand your anger, because anger can be the element that is addictive.