
Tornadoes are known to be some of the deadliest natural disasters on earth.  Tornadoes can occur year round in many parts of the world.  People living in the Great Plains region in the United States may see the most violent tornadoes strike there, because that particular region stands as the place with the most tornadoes occurring in a typical year.

Deaths from tornadoes are likely caused by people who do not pay attention to warnings given by the National Weather Service, law enforcement, or any media.  People fail to take cover appropriately whenever a tornado is nearby.  The tornado safety tips are useful for anyone at any time of day, and at any location.

*Be Advised of Weather Forecasts

If your area is forecasted for potential severe weather, stay tuned to further updates.  Listen to your radio, be aware of information given from your local news stations, or visit to obtain more details about the chance for severe weather.  Thunderstorm watches may soon be issued.  But tornadoes have a history of occuring even though a tornado watch or tornado warning was not issued.  Pay attention to the skies that can deteriorate rapidly.

*Taking Shelter

If there is a tornado nearby or an indication of a possible tornado that is near you, it is time to take action!  If your home or your neighbor’s home has a storm cellar or basement, remain there until the tornado passes.  If there is no basement to be found, go to the first level of your home.  In a secluded hallway, crouch on your knees with your hands covering the back of your neck.  Be sure you stay away from windows.  These steps perfectly apply to your work place or school.  Always find a hallway on the first floor and crouch with your neck secured by your hands, avoiding windows.

*Outdoor Safety Tips     

If you are outdoors and there is no building to be found for shelter, simply go to the lowest ditch you can find.  Lay as flat as you can and secure the back of your neck with your arms.  Due to the ferocity of winds that can still blow you away, taking shelter under bridges or overpasses should be prohibited. 

Make sure that you and your family know what to do during a tornado event.  In case there is a power outage in your home, have emergency supplies such as fresh batteries, a flashlight, clean water, and plenty of food handy.  If your home is severely damaged by a tornado, local rescue missions will be there to help.  There is no harm in purchasing insurance that will cover any storm-related damages to your home.  By following the tornado safety tips given, you know that you will be saving your life and your family’s lives.