Timekeeping and Lateness

In this modern world, time is of the essence. Unless you live in a remote, far flung place where you need no schedule to exist, time is an inescapable means to an end. People have become used to the sight of clock faces telling them what time it is, and of the ticking of clocks reminding them that time is passing. However, could there be a hidden meaning behind how people react to timekeeping and lateness?

It is a fact of life that people are required to be at certain places at particular times, and that if they fail in this objective their lives can be scrambled into confusion. Despite this, many people still continue to be late to nearly every appointment that they have, while other people panic if they are not at least ten minutes early to every event.

The difference in attitude of perfect timekeepers and inadequate ones may spring from subconscious energy that drives them to where they want, or need to go in their lives. There is always an underlying reason for supposedly inexplicable tardiness relating to lateness that could have been avoided.

Often, lateness is an indication that people do not really want to go to the place they are headed towards. In such cases, their energy may seem to drag and hold them back from getting to where they have arranged to be. Consistent lateness is their subconscious telling them that they need to check where they are going in life. When they begin heading in the right direction, they are far more likely to get there on time because their store of energy will be working for them, going the same way that they are going physically.

If you are consistently late to meet a particular individual, but not other people, it is time to sit down and think hard about why this may be so. Ask yourself whether you are angry with this person, and being late is a small, unconscious punishment for them? Or, it could be that you are fearful of them, or insecure and are testing their staying-power.

There are a myriad of secret reasons why you may be a poor timekeeper that reflect the inner workings of your mind, and control how you fulfil your needs and desires. The instrument you use to control your schedule may also become a symbol of restriction, boredom, or fatigue. As a result, you may inadvertently regard time as an enemy.

For individuals who find themselves clock watching constantly, time has slowly become the controller of their lives. Consistent time checking is an indication that you are probably attempting to do too much when you most likely would benefit from downtime and relaxation.

Tracking time, even if this is a man-made illusion, should be a useful endeavor that helps you make the most of your days on Earth. Nonetheless, it can be a chain around your neck that slows you down or holds you away from the path you would rather be on. Next time you are late, provided that it cannot be put down to a legitimate reason, think about why this may have happened. Perhaps your inner-spirit is trying to tell you something.