Thoughts Destiny James Allen Vibrating Energy

Thoughts govern our existence so we need to be careful what we think. Our thoughts make us into whatever we are by reacting to the vibrating energy around us to bring similar people, who think the same way, and the things we desire, whether positive or negative, back to us – a combination of quantum physics and the law of attraction.

Quantum physics relates to the frequency at which everything in our world vibrates. Even our thoughts vibrate and scientists are able to measure such vibrations in numerical forms. Apparently positive thoughts vibrate at a different level from negative ones. With all these various vibrations swirling around us it seems that like attracts like: thoughts on one vibration level will attract energy and other matter that are vibrating at the same level (the law of attraction). When we are vibrating positive thoughts (of happiness and joy, for example) we are likely to attract similar happiness from others or elsewhere. And if we are negative or miserable, we also tend to attract others who are equally negative because happy people seldom wish to share the company of those who emotionally drain them.

In quantum physics there are no boundaries or limitations so that everything is possible to us. Everything is pure energy, fluid and ever changing. Through the law of attraction, our thoughts, transmutes this energy into reality. We are the ones who form this wave of ever changing energy into tangible objects, situations and events through our desires and wishes. Everything is possible through belief and spiritual focus on what we desire. The law of attraction helps us to transform the energy through our thoughts and beliefs to a new reality that we create. In fact, we do it so often and so naturally without thinking, we are often not even aware of it.

It was the British writer James Allen (1864-1912) who said that: “Men do not attract that which they want but that which they are.” This is totally in line with the law of attraction that says simply: whatever we send out will come right back to us. Whatever we are focusing on, through the power of thought, we will attract. If you find that hard to believe, just start thinking of a colour and make of car that you hardly ever see, like a very expensive model. If you think about that car from now as often as you can, within a few hours or days you will suddenly begin to see lots of them, no matter where you are!

It seems that the law of attraction will give us what we desire but we have to know exactly what we want and be unambiguous in our thinking. We have to ask the Universe for it, to act as if we are actually getting it by visualising it as often as possible, and we have to let go off the outcome, not fret or worry about it, or try to control it. Furthermore, we need to have the strong belief that it will happen and then to be in a receptive mode to have it. We can’t ask for it and be fearful of it happening because we are cancelling out that positive thought with a negative one!

Thoughts are powerful forces of our lives which are not really understood but, if we stop to think about it logically, we are typing on a keyboard which came out of someone’s thought; we are using the Internet which evolved from someone’s thought; we are also using a computer which was created out of someone’s thought from nothing. We have all had our simple thoughts, individual ideas and innovations brought to life using confidence, belief and the law of attraction. In effect, our world is built from our thoughts which we use to change the energy around us into tangible matter as our thoughts gradually materialise before us through effort and focus. Thus, as the creators of our ever changing world, we have been using quantum physics and the law of attraction to confidently forge our destiny subconsciously for centuries.