Red Rash on Inner Thigh with Pictures

Causes and treatment of inner thigh rashes.

The first that come into my mind as I think of red rash on inner thigh is “Is this some kind of STD infection ??”.  It is not in itself a disease neither is it a health ailment but rash on the inner thigh is often regarded as a symptom to something more peculiar. But most of the times the root cause includes: contact with an irritating or allergic agent.

A rash is skin conditions that can occur in any part of the body. With the scientific name ‘dermatitis’ which means inflammation. It is one of the most commonly appearing condition in both females and males.

Factors that can be the cause of inner thigh rashes –

Red Rash on Inner Thigh due to Contact
• Clothing – Some types of clothing can be the cause of inner thigh rashes. Often clothing with elastic fitting that is tight on the skin or that is rubbing the skin can result in causing a rash. Chemicals or dye on clothing can cause an allergic reaction which could develop rashes
• Sweating – it can develop due to sweating particularly during the summer period. Poor hygiene combined with exercise that build up sweat such as running especially on persons having fat thighs could result in the development of such rashes.
• Poisonous components – some plants upon contact can result in causing a rash. Poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumacs are just some examples.
• Bites – bites from insects such as ants, mosquitoes, bed bugs or from other insects or animals. Tick bites can cause lime disease known as rocky mountain which often produces flu-like symtoms and causes rashes.
• Other factors – causes of inner thigh rashes through contact can be diverse. All the factors cannot possibly be listed here comprehensively. Doing research can provide more information. Occasionally; using a certain type of shower gel depending on your skin reaction can result in causing these rashes.

Rashes on Inner Thigh from Allergy
Some persons are allergic to different items. It may be food, medication, or other elements which the specificity can only be determined by the person having the reaction. The reaction can be mild or at times even life threatening. One such occurrence is allergic purpura which often cause skin rash and can affect the kidneys, the gastrointestinal tracts, or the joints.Writing about this remembers me a case in which such rash was a serious case of “Joke Itch”.

Red Rashes on Inner Thigh Caused by Disease
• Eczema – this is a chronic skin condition that appears as patches. It makes the skin itchy and scaly and takes on a redish color. People that suffer from allergies or asthma are often vulnerable to developing such condition. It can be treated with ointments or medicated creams. To control the symptoms or avoid flare ups; you should avoid irritants, detergents or harsh soap.
• STD – sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are the common cause. Syphilis, warts, or herpes. The condition which appears around the genitalia can spread to the inner thigh. Medical attention is highly recommended for prevention and treatment
• Shingles – shingles appears as rashes or red bumps on the surface of the skin. It is very painful and itchy with a slight burning sensation. Medical attention should be sought when you have such a condition
• Other diseases – there are many other disease that can contribute to causing inner thigh rases. Some include impetigo, autoimmune diseases, or psoriasis. Seeking medical attention is highly recommended in all disease condition causing such rashes.


Characteristic or symptoms for inner thigh rashes include itching and irritation, pain and discomfort while walking; when cases are severe there could be the occurrence of blisters, inflammation and a burning sensation. Breathlessness is usually followed with severe allergic reaction.


In severe cases and rashes resulting from a allergy or an infection immediate medical attention is highly recommended. In most of the mild cases, often the conditions can disappear by itself. Avoiding scratching when feeling itchy can help alleviate the symptoms; the treatment will largely depend on the cause and differs from one case to another. There are many different remedies which includes homemade natural remedies, anti-allergic drugs, steroids, immunosuppressant drugs ECT. Consulting a pharmacist or a physician for serious cases can aid in effective treatment.

Some Home Remedies for itchy rashes

  • Apply baby powder in the morning on the itchy area.This will definitely help.
  •  Vaseline acts as lubricant between legs and has anti infection properties.
  • You can apply ice for few minutes to reduce itching.
  • Boudreaux’s Butt Paste seems to work with rashes.
  • Olive oil helps in reducing skin redness.

Rashes on Inner Thigh Pictures