Quantum God – No

This question is a good example of complete nonsense. There is no such thing as omniscience. There is no such thing as a spiritual field. Quantum superposition deals with knowing the eigenstate of a wave function depending on how the system is observed. This nonsense doesn’t even belong in the same sentence. This is yet another attempt to impose religious beliefs on science. I am writing a response here to tell people to stop injecting superstition into a perfectly good system for understanding the world, science.

Why do people feel the need to try to use something they don’t understand to justify their antiquated view of reality? I look at this question as somebody’s lame attempt to prove the existence of god with quantum mechanics. For all I know, they got this question from a popular book mixing religion and science. Science is not religion. I don’t have to believe in the ten ton weight that is falling on my head to squash me, it is really there. Science has no variables for belief. The expectation value for a quantum dynamic wave equation is the most probably value for that function, not a belief in the existence of the object.

I have news for all the religious quacks who post nonsense articles in the physics section of Helium. God is a fictional character made up by ancient peoples to explain reality. When people don’t know the real answer to a problem, they lie about it. This is basic human nature. When they want to get people to do what they want, they make up a story about some angry man in the sky who is going to set them on fire forever if they don’t do what they say. This is how people operate. They lie to get what they want. Fiction is not science.

It took humans two million years to come up with science. The scientific method tells you something about reality. You observe a phenomenon. You postulate a theory as to what is going on with this system. You test the theory by making predictions about what will happen to the system in the future. If your prediction comes true, you have a good theory. If not, you try again. Science allows people to control nature and make new things. If it were not for computer science, people would not be able to ask such foolish questions in a public venue.

The difference between religion and science is that science is concerned with the truth, and religion is concerned with how people should act. Science tells us what we can do, religion tells us what we can’t do. Science also tells us we can’t do some things. We can’t break the laws of physics. This is not because of some moral imperative. We can’t break the laws of physics, because it is impossible. You can break religious laws all day. If you follow some religious laws, like stoning your wife for fooling around on you, you will be breaking the legal laws of any civilized country. In short, religion is an arbitrary, fictional system of belief. Science describes and predicts reality. Science and religion are completely different things.

Now, this foolish question at hand. No omniscient spiritual field can conserve quantum superposition information, because no such thing as an omniscient spiritual field exists. What do you even mean by spiritual? Spirit as in ghost, as in spooky ghost of a dead person? No such thing exists. Spiritual as in religious beliefs. Religious beliefs are patently fictional, as they are based on a mythopoeic understanding of the world. Your delusions may exist as an aspect of your mind, but they do nothing to describe objective, verifiable reality.

I have some beliefs myself. I believe people should ask scientific questions in a science forum. I believe people should not foist their mistaken ideas on unsuspecting people like children. I believe you have to tolerate idiots to a certain extent. I know other things. I know science is a good way to understand the universe, because it gets results. I know that quantum wave equations superimpose, because I can see an interference pattern in a double-slit electron interferometer. I also know there is no god, because there is no all-powerful man in the sky who knows everything and can do anything and who created everything. I wish people would stop trying to convince me of their delusions in a science forum.