Organically Grown Food the Benefits of Organic Food Advantages of going Organic Eating Organic

Man has, through the centuries of his existence, always attempted to improve on Mother Nature, tampering with a system that has worked, fed and provided protection for animals and plant life for millions of years.

While the addition of pesticides, herbicides, chemical treatments and irradiation has improved the quantity of food to feed a growing population, the quality of food has declined dramatically. Co-operative farming produces large amounts of fruits and vegetables, but that produce comes from soil that is depleted of essential nutrients. What is brought to the store shelves has little of the essential vitamins and minerals everyone needs to sustain health and vitality. Today you would need to eat ten times more fruits or vegetables to get the same amount of nutrition that a single serving would have given you a hundred years ago.

Today’s food just does not promote health. While not everyone is able to grow a full garden of veggies in their backyard, the fact is that organically grown food is far better for you than anything you can find on the store shelf. Considering the plethora of diseases most people are faced with, organic food can help save lives by putting back natural and wholesome ingredients that often are stripped from processing. Most of our diseases are due to the lack of essential nutrients that our bodies need in order to fight viruses, bacteria and pathogens that threaten the body on a daily basis. The immune system of many people have been compromised so much that the simplest virus can gain a foothold and make life miserable. Today you don’t need to be AIDS positive or a diabetic to suffer the same complications associated with these diseases.

Diabetics, for example, suffer from nerve damage to the eyes and feet. Kidneys, the pancreas and the heart are most at risk for failure. While the medical establishment say this is due to high blood sugar, they are only telling part of the story. The organs and nerves need basic vitamins and minerals that can help them function and fight the onslaught of a high glucose level. But this can’t happen with an average diet loaded with fat and sugar.

Organic food is simply healthier as it does not contain residues of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Beef cattle are injected with growth hormones and injected with chemicals to help them stay healthy until they are ready for slaughter. Even after the beef is shipped to the stores it is irradiated and treated with carbon monoxide to keep their color and freshness.

During the Middle Ages, it was customary to grow food on two-thirds of farmland while the other one-third was left fallow so the land had a chance to recover and the nutrients restored back into the soil. The next year, a different third would be left fallow while the other thirds were used to grow food. This crop rotation meant food was always fresh and healthy. Today’s farming technique is to use all farmland space for growing crops year after year without alternating any crops or allowing any sections to remain untouched.

Organically grown food has more nutrition. That makes it healthier and you are likely to eat less as your body gets more of what it needs in a smaller portion.

There is a marked difference in weight, color and texture in organic food compared to store bought varieties. Water content is higher, so we can get more water from our food rather than have to drink more than the customary eight glasses of water necessary for hydration and health.

Because the food is natural and comes from uncontaminated soil, there is less potential for health risks. Cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other major ills that plague today’s society are the result of poor nutrition. Food grown the natural way helps the environment as chemical sprays and treatments can’t leech through the soil to contaminate wells or drain into the rivers and the drinking supply of anyone who drinks the water.

Of course the only disadvantage is the higher price of organic food. But when you compare the cost of drugs and the expensive treatments to address disease, spending that extra money is good insurance for long lasting health. Organic food means healthy eating, something the media drills into us but most everyone fails to do.

If you have a home and a fair sized plot of land, growing your own produce is the better alternative to buying the stuff at the supermarket. If you can’t grow your own food, buy at a farmer’s market. To get the health benefits of the products you buy at the store, it is necessary to read the labels and the ingredients. If you can’t pronounce what’s listed on the package, you’re better off leaving it on the shelf.

Organic food outweighs anything on the store shelves. While you can improve your diet by eating raw and wholesome food, it should be remembered that not addressing other lifestyle factors will negate the benefits of eating natural food. To get maximum health, you need to exercise regularly, stop smoking and cut down on the high stress levels that make people sick.Only then can you be assured of living a healthy and productive life.