Importance of Organically Grown Food

The smell, color and appearance of food is not the only thing people are looking for when selecting products. It is also becoming very important how they are grown.

The cultivation of organic foods such as fruits and vegetables, dairy, meat and eggs that come from animals that are given no antibiotics or growth hormones, is growing in popularity, and its philosophy of protecting the environment by rejecting the use of chemical pesticides, fertilizers, petroleum or chemical sludge, genetic engineering and ionizing radiation.

The organic food boom began to take over more than three decades. And, according to the Trade Association of Organic Products (Organic Trade Association, OTA), organic agriculture is currently the fastest growing sector in the agricultural economy.

The organic food industry is growing between 20 to 24 percent annually in the U.S., according to the Association. Nearly $ 7.8 billion dollars in sales for 2000 are expected this year that figure exceeds $ 10 billion. In fact, the figures also show that nearly one third of the population of the United States buys goods that have grown organically.

Therefore, it is not surprising that not only achieve these organic products in niche markets or shops naturistas but supermarkets and large grocery chains will devote a special room for these foods. OTA data indicate that nearly half of the major supermarkets in the United States sells organic produce, with vegetables, fruits, cereals and grain products that are consumed.

Food Ecology

Because of the careful process of production of organic food, we go back to farming before the fifties, there is a belief among his followers that such products are more healthy and nutritious.

So it is not surprising that even the mothers of the world’s most famous chefs are increasingly turning to consume organic products, although they are 20 to 30 percent more expensive than conventional products, according to the American magazine Business Week.

However, experts in nutrition and health say that it is difficult to make a fair comparison between organic and conventional food by the lack of scientific evidence. “There are not many detailed studies on the alleged nutritional value of organic food,” said Isabel Rodriguez, nutritionist MyDiet.

The nutritionist said that while organic foods are healthy, there is no need to get to the end and only eat these products. “In the middle is the virtue,” he said while explaining that traditional foods are also rich, healthy and nutritious, so you can create a balance both types of food consumed.

On the other hand, there are also those who suggest that the way food is produced organic completely eliminates the parasites and bacteria, which are also reproduced in a natural way to crops. In this case, consumers need to take greater caution with regard to handling, storage and consumption of these products.

A special

From October 21 this year, these foods are further distinguished from the rest of the food stamp because it characterizes as its organic components, making it easier for consumers to distinguish products.

The Department of Agriculture of the United States regulating the packaging of these products in various categories. The products are completely organic is a label that identifies them as “100 percent organic,” while products with at least 95 percent organic ingredients have a label that identifies them as “organic.” Products containing at least 70 percent organic ingredients have a stamp of “organic ingredients” and are “made with organic ingredients.” “It is very important to adopt such an instrument because it helps to define the criteria for the production and sale of a food type, in which many people are interested. These so-called organic food, like other so-called natural, it is well known that there are many commercial interests, often forget the ethical responsibility that should be targeted at consumers, “said Dr. Eleazar Lara-Pantin, doctor and specialist in nutrition MyDiet.

Also, the doctor urged that not only put the labels on the products, but the entities involved should educate consumers to the information you find most useful.

Education about the different types of food being sold is very important because this information is to have a clearer idea of the type of food we eat and how they can help us to get a healthy diet and prevent health problems.