Is Psychology being Mis used

As a person with multiple mental illness, along with knowing many people with mental illnesses…I believe for the most part people are correctly diagnosed. However, there are many people who misdiagnosed. The reason for that, I believe, is that there are so many mental illnesses that meet a lot of the same diagnostic criteria. Also, there are many various versions in many illnesses. As far as psychology being misused…that can be taken many different ways.

One, in the way I just wrote about. Two, in the court system. And three, as an excuse.

As far as the court system goes…I do believe some people are wrongly accused simply because of their illness. Or, simply to close a case…I guess somebody has to be charged with the crime, whether they’re guilty or not. It doesn’t mean it’s write, but I’m sure it happens on a daily basis. Crooked cops, I suppose.

I think there are people who use mental illness as an excuse to be relieved in the courtroom or as an excuse to be put on disability. However, if you think about it…there is probably something wrong with you mentally if you sexually abuse someone or go on a killing rampage. And as far as disability goes…several of the mentally ill do need it simply because it is very difficult to hold a job. Especially when they are in and out of psych units and having constant med changes.

I guess the point I’m trying to get to is, of course there are instances where psychology is mis-used…but for the most part it is not. Psychology is a vital instrument in the majority of the United States and without it we would be a very confused people.

Mental illness is a widespread problem and if many people would see a psychologist or psychiatrist they may find a mental illness in themselves. And if so, it is not a bad thing. The doctor can teach you ways or prescribe you medicine that can and/or will make your life much easier.

There is a lot of stigma surrounding mental illness. There is no need for that. People with mental illness are no different than a person with cancer, diabetes, or arthritis. It’s simply that they have an illness of the brain.