Intelligence Tests IQ Eq and Perseverance

Perseverance as an angle of Intelligence

1. Intelligence Tests

The first psychological measure of a person was his intelligence, his ability to figure out problems, the speed with which he came up with solutions. This eventually proved to be a short-sighted version of measuring the whole being and didn’t account for character, creativity, or discipline. The intelligence test proved to be only about 50% proficient in predicting success in life from a young age.

2. Emotional Intelligence Tests

The concept of EQ was developed to express that some people are better at handling emotional situations, communicating their feelings, and dealing with other’s emotions than others, and this ability is entirely neglected by the intelligence test.

3. Classic Intelligence vs. Emotional Intelligence

Classic intelligence tests are mainly aimed at measuring one’s ability to figure things out and concentrate for an elongated period of time. Such tests are good at predicting those who may become engineers, computer scientists, architects, or mathematicians. Yet, emotional intelligence which is better equipped at measuring one’s interpersonal skill is better at predicting those that may become psychologists, physical therapists, some types of managers, and general caretakers.

4. Perseverance Quotient

There is a third aspect which deals with a person’s ability to cope with setbacks disappointments, failures, and rejection. Some individuals in the face of adversity strive hard and eventually excel. Yet, others faced with even small amounts of adversity languish, get depressed, and withdrawal from people and activities. Those with the highest Perseverance Quotients go on to lead companies, excel in politics, and become proficient a law or law enforcement.

5. A Moderate Amount of Each

A moderate amount of each attribute is necessary for success. Too much of one has the ability to erode the other. Too little of one also has the ability to drag down the other. Those with high IQs tend to look at things over-rationally and thus find themselves at a distance with others. Others that are blinded or stifled by their emotions, fail to be intellectually proficient. And others that get depressed at each adversity or obstacle languish too frequently in life.