How to let go of someone you Love

When the time comes to let go of the one you love it can be somewhat akin to breaking a habit. It is a bond we know must be broken, something we know must be done but the process can be difficult. When we fall in love even the most cynical begin to believe in forever. Even when we know all the odds are against us we will continue to believe. Even when the fragile gift of love starts to develop cracks that just cant be hidden anymore we will continue to believe. Even when the broken pieces of love lay at our feet we will continue to believe. It seems sometimes if you just had enough faith that everything will workout then it has to and we will live happily ever after. This belief will keep us clinging to that last remnants of love long after the logical side of us has given up. When we are young we are told stories of everlasting love with words such as destiny and fate thrown in so when a love story comes to an end it is that much more devastating because we never really believed it would ever really be over.

Whether you are fourteen or forty when you must let go of the one you thought you would love forever it really has to be done cold turkey. The most natural reaction is to call and this feeling can sometimes take over any rational thought. Fight this feeling at least in the beginning because if you can overcome this part from the start it will get easier with time. Call a couple of friends and rent some sad love stories and have a day of crying, margaritas and junk food. Friends are always good to have around when your heart is breaking. Friends who will listen to you say the same things over and over and never tell you to shut up and who will cry and rage with you are a Godsend. Though they may not fix your broken heart completely they do add a little band aid to your soul make you feel better even if its only for a moment.

The most important thing is to keep busy, find a new hobby, go out with friends or volunteer. It is going to be the last thing you want to do when all you want to do is sit home and cry but if you keep busy you have less time to dwell on the past and before you know it you will be looking forward to getting out of bed in the morning. Remember when you couldn’t wait to get out of bed because you never knew what new adventures were out there? I think blue eyes over there is smiling at you. See there is still hope.