How to let go of someone you Love

Someone once said to me “to get over someone you have to get under someone else” Vulgar and unseemly. That person is no longer my friend. I did it my way, with Brandy, black coffee and tears. Not good and if I had that time again I would possibly have taken my ex-friend’s advice. But who knows how it would have turned out. Had I gone down that route I may not have ended up as happy as I am now. I believe that the ethos of any relationship determines the break-up madness.

Do we ever want to let go of someone we love? Its got to be easier to let go of someone we hate…because at least when we hate someone we know we want to let go of them for a legitimate reason. But then comes the love/hate syndrome and both are equally strong and cling like Limpets.

Who hasn’t been in a relationship where the other has had things about them that we have tried, day and night for so many months/years to make right or ignore and even tried to love. When this is the case we feel even more cheated at the end. Oftentimes we give far more credence and energy to the break-up than the actual relationship.

Love is a very splendoured thing…but its also really scary and unpredictable. Love is like a game of Twister but its twisted. A game of Cluedo without clues. A game of Chess without the Knights. Love is like an Ice Cream that you thought you liked once upon a time, a long time ago on the beach and all of a sudden it gives you a Double Mocha Mint brainfreeze!
Ok enough of the whole ‘Love Is’ thing. It’s what love isn’t that is the reason people say goodbye.

What love isn’t is a joke.

How many relationship scars does one have to have before we use that really expensive cream, you know the one, the one that eliminates all traces of infection, the one that makes your Love-skin like new. There are those that have cupboards full of the stuff. Those people have one of two tags-Stayers or Players. Those that don’t have the back-up medicine are called Lonely or difficult. The excuse of Contra-indication is futile. Either we or them has messed up big style and taken too much or too little.

Why do we fall in love? Why do we give ourselves to others? Its a Tribal thing. We avidly seek out other Alpha males and females to pro-create. Well thats what it used to be like. Now there’s so much riding on whether we have big chesticals, the latest I.Pod/Tune thingy or our dad owns a Football team.

Ok so getting back to how to let go of someone you love….if you’re a woman you simply envisage them having a secret pile of ‘How To Wear Beige Underwear And Make It Work For You’ Monthly under their bed. Eww! If your’e a guy you think about why she was wriggling when you didn’t ask her too.