How to Achieve a Higher Level of self Confidence

You can gain self confidence from several different sources. Some people find confidence in their achievements and success. Others find confidence from spending time with people who appreciate them, encourage them and respect them.

The highest confidence stems from an acknowledgment of your talents, abilities and uniqueness as an individual. This is why both achievements and appreciation from others to reinforce this can help with self belief.

Success doesn’t have to come from your money making ability. It is more likely to come from achieving a goal you have strived for, or discovering you have talents that are fulfilling others admire.

Being good at what you do, whether that is being a great parent, friend, spouse or entrepreneur can afford you with great confidence.

People tend to judge themselves by others around them, by looking at what they achieve. If you use others as a yardstick and feel you come off worse your confidence levels can fall.

If you have a goal, a dream that you wish to accomplish, by sticking to your plans and by not comparing yourself to others you are more likely to reach your aim and confidence will come to you.

Surround yourself with people who believe in you and want you to do well. Remind yourself of past achievements and look toward the future with the knowledge that you have done well before and will do so again.

An exercise some people find useful in confidence building is to write a list of accomplishments they have achieved, along with a list of their abilities and talents. If you do this then when you are feeling low take out your list and remind yourself of your special abilities and achievements.

You can build confidence and a positive attitude day by day from jotting down events that have happened in-which you did well. Reviewing your list last thing at night will help information to sink in and be remembered by you.

Affirmations can also help. An affirmation is where you tell yourself, in the form of a statement, something positive such as, ‘I am confident and talented’. This may seem silly when you first do it but it can actually work. One way to do this is by writing your affirmation in a bold black maker onto a piece of card and then placing it on your cupboard door inside. Each time you open the door it will make you smile and remind you of your goal.