How Anger can Turn into Hate

It might not seem so obvious at first that our anger can turn into hate.

This is anger that we have with something or another that then turns into hate, and it is usually being then directed against those very same things that we were previously angry about for some reason, or another.

Can anger really become hate in this way?

This article will discuss the ways that this particular writer sees in which this can indeed happen to someone.

Anger rests on a bed of fear, this fear is a mask that we wear when we are afraid to love. We must fully love, to not hate, because when we fear love, we often then become angry.

This happens because the energy of fear turns into a creative type of negative energy, that we label as anger, rather than remaining dormant, and then the anger, being creative, wants an outlet.

This initial stage of anger can often then turn itself upwards a notch, and so then turn itself into rage, into violence, or perhaps it might just slow itself down a bit, and manifest itself then as a continuing underlying resentment.

Finally though, if these types of situations are not properly addressed in a way that we can become aware of what is really happening here, we might instead develop an ongoing hatred for life, and perhaps for all other people in general, as well.

I have heard it said that anger is really a defence system, and so a protective mechanism that we produce in order to counter a situation that we do not yet understand fully, with enough love.

This simply means that we have just not yet developed our wisdom deep enough to be presently able to directly handle every type of particularly annoying situation for us, that is without sometimes developing this emotional response of anger to indirectly try to cope with the situation.

We are doing the best that we can, but to move on from this, we must accept where we are, and not snowball our anger by getting angry for ourselves being angry. When we accept the anger as it arises, and then let it go, it will not linger anymore in the background, and so fester itself to turn into something else, such as hatred, or resentment.

We are often feeling out of our depth, and so we use the energy of anger to try to force a solution to what we are presently seeing as being problems, rather than them just being learning experiences with love. We are all growing in conscious understanding, and building slowly, or sometimes quickly depending on our own situation, the necessary wisdom to be able to handle all of these situations from love.

We are all on a spiritual journey taking us through God’s love. We move from unconscious knowing to conscious knowing, by growing in conscious understanding of how love has set up each and every learning experience for us.

It is all love’s doing. Love is the only energy, and the only creative force, and love is responsible for all things. Look for love in any situation, and you will find it. This is the way to grow past our initial lower vibrational negative energy responses of anger, or fear.

Love brings understanding, but there are steps on its ladder that we must often climb first in order to better understand love, and so to learn how to apply it in different situations from our now newly acquired wisdom.

Lack of wisdom brings to us the more shallow response of anger. This is just a lesser more consciously unaware form of love that has less energy, because it is being focused through the negative side of love, rather than it remaining neutral, or balanced within all of love.

This is not so much the fault of being negative, as it is being unbalanced in the extreme. This means that positive love can also be unbalancing for us, when it is not being applied from enough wisdom as well.

Negative and positive responses both have their rightful place within love, but we must build the wisdom to know when to best apply each type of love to a situation that calls for it.

Sometimes we need to show a righteous indignation for example, or to point out certain faults in some way that might at first appear to be negative. We need to do all things from staying within the balanced middle ground of love, but we can from there move to either side from time to time, if we still remain anchored within unconditional love.

This is about having our soul’s roots deeply immersed within love, whilst at the same time we might be moving our bodies through other negative or positive situations, but without ever becoming attached to them, or really ever labelling them as being such.

When we see all with the eyes of love, all is love. Everything else is just a label.

This can happen for instance in the example of someone loving someone to death, so to speak, by over mothering or overprotecting them in their own ways, rather than letting that person be themselves.

When we hold onto something such as hatred or anger it separates us our higher self. To remain in contact with your soul, you must love, even a little, because love is the password to all else. And yet because all is love, there always remains hope. You never entirely lose your connection through this seeming separation, because it is never a complete separation.

God is always with us. We blame God for our darkness, but all darkness is merely the holding onto of hatred, fear, and anger. Letting go of these negative emotions, no matter what, brings you new light, and then all of the answers that you seek are readily see in this light of love, that always illuminates you from above, but also does now from below as well.

Anger can only turn into hate when we hold onto it inside of us without letting it go. Hate cannot manifest, when all of our anger has been let go of.

Love sees into hates darkness, but hate can never see any of love’s truth at all.

Hate is not misguided love, it is love that has been cut off or blocked because of our lack of understanding about how love works. With understanding comes light, and the darkness of hate is dissipated, unless we refuel it again from renewing our anger.