How Anger Turns to Hate

Anger can turn into hate if you can’t forgive and forget. The quickest path to feeling hate in your heart, is to let this toxic emotion live inside you like an unwanted house guest.

If you are determined to let your anger mature into feelings of hate, just follow a few sure fired tips for success.

Steps up the ladder of anger to hatred:

~ Start feeling comfortable with your feelings of anger.
~ Don’t face your feelings of animosity.
~ Wallow in self pity.
~ Remind yourself everyday why you are angry.
~ Forget where you put your ‘rose colored glasses’.
~ Convince yourself that you have no blame.

If you continue to stay in the mind-set of the above points, your anger will soon be replaced by permanent feelings of hate. While you may feel justified in your feelings, you are only hurting yourself and the ones you love.

Unfortunately, when we start to feel hatred our personality takes a drastic turn for the worse. How can you feel happy if you are constantly seething inside? Your smiles will become forced and those closest to you will start to feel this unhealthy emotion oozing out of your soul. Nobody wants to spend time with a person who can’t move on and enjoy their life. This is the place you will arrive at, if you don’t let go of your pent up anger.

Some feelings of anger are justified. We all need that momentary release of emotional rage occasionally. Anger becomes a chronic condition when you can’t let it go. When a negative feeling is carried with you, day after day, your home life and professional life will be tainted by it.

Anger can turn to a feeling of hate, only if you let it happen. Take steps to help yourself. Hate only hurts the person who is doing the hating. We can feel angry with people, places or things. Situations can stir us into feeling mad. If you can’t change something bad that has happened to you, learn to accept and live with it. This will stop hatred from settling into your soul.

Our emotions can be volatile. It is normal to feel several different moods throughout the day. Never linger too long on the dark side of these mood swings. Try to focus on what makes you feel good inside. When you wake up in the morning, determine to smile!

Anger and hate will drain you of all your life energy. These emotions are parasitic hosts that feed off your negative thoughts. Keep positive and laugh at your adversities. With a light heart, your feelings of anger will soon disappear and once they are gone, hatred will have to leave with them.