Global Warming and its Effect on Society

How accurate is it that Global warming is linked to the now sole established theory pointing a finger at carbon emission and build up in the earth’s atmosphere? Although carbon emissions might have a role to play in the process, some theories point in a completely different direction. The answer lies in the Firmament. Recent research outside mainstream physics show that the heliosphere i.e. the sun and all planets revolving around it, is traveling through the universe to a region where the Local Inter Stellar Medium (LISM) has a higher energy level than some 20 or 30 years ago. This energy is believed to be electromagnetic in nature therefore has a frequency. We all know that as frequency increases wavelength decreases and therefore penetration of this energy in all forms of matter is more acute. Understanding this will as we read through enable a better perception of what’s happening.

Analyzing some facts will show that the problems origin is other than currently believed and the solutions that need to be worked out are one that should take into account real facts. We are made to believe that Co2 emissions is solely responsible, then how would anyone explain that, looking at the stars at night, the planets visible from earth to the naked eye like Venus, Jupiter, Mars and Mercury appear a lot brighter that they were some decades ago. How can excessive heat trapped in the earth’s atmosphere brighten planets? Their light comes from our sun. Then why is the light intensity increased? As it is we have an ageing sun and most of us will have noticed that it has turned from a tanning sun to a scorching sun. Skin cancer is on the rise. Now the distance from the earth hasn’t changed but how do we explain this sudden increase in sunlight intensity reaching the earth.

Looking at other factors affecting climate change we see that hurricanes are getting more intense and more frequent and are also taking birth in previously non-hurricane zones. Granted that hurricanes and tropical storms are related to oceanic temperatures but then how do we explain the more frequent and more intense aspect as well as erratic paths. Earthquakes have recently intensified in magnitude and frequency and again occurred in previously non-earthquake zones. Iceland is a good example. How can anyone explain temperature increase on the earth surface and oceans causing earthquakes since it comes from deep within the earth? Power grid failures are common in summers of some northern countries. Mobile telephony users often experience outages at the peak of summer, presumably when solar activity peaks. Solar activity has indeed increased in intensity as well as frequency.

All these phenomena involve some kind of absorption and release of energy. Since the earth has a natural capacity to only withhold so much energy is being subjected to a higher amount of energy that it can accommodate then it is only natural that she will release the excess. And two of the most obvious ways will be to release it by sea or through the crust, which means deadlier hurricanes and unprecedented high magnitude earthquakes. Where is the earth getting this excess energy from? What’s providing it if the distance from the sun is unaltered and the sun is ageing. The answer would come from the LISM through which the heliosphere is moving as a whole. It is something we do not have control on and cannot change. We can take steps to reduce carbon emissions and this will help the earth but we need to look in the right direction to understand the source of the problem. And there is very little we can do to change the path of the solar system in the universe but we can start to prepare for when it gets worse.

We need to start preparing to accommodate people who live on islands that are threatened to be wiped out by the rising oceans. The Maldives islands area good example where the water level is rising at an almost perceptible rate. Creating artificial islands would be a solution but the costs involved are astronomical and island nations, if they are not dependencies of richer advanced countries, are not in a position to sustain such projects to save themselves. Wildfires in Australia, the USA and Greece are only too evident that some forms of measures have to be taken to ensure population safety and evacuation with no loss of life in case of calamity. One life lost is one too many Relevant authorities should take steps to ensure that some kind of security perimeters are defined and set up between potential fire zones and habitations. Yes this will all cost money but life is priceless. Drought and famine are evidently affecting the poorer nations of the world. Moving to other methods of food production should be a prime consideration for governments world wide. A lot of debate is on about Genetically Modified food but the survival of humanity will depend on some form of food production that is able to yield far more than natural means. Countermeasures for droughts are hard to find but irrigation methods can be devised where only the plants that need to be watered get the precious liquid. Arable land must be adequately surveyed to ensure that in case of floods water is not able to stagnate and destroy harvests.

Gas or Oil as we call it is the energy that fuels all or most activities on earth. We care little about planning the resources adequately so it can last and use it wisely to avoid the kind of pollution that is the cause of so much illnesses. Yes it does also make the earth sick for it can’t breathe through the thick dense fogs that pollute the big cities and industrial areas of the world. The earth suffers and all of us who dwell on it also suffer. Concern should be for better planning of resources be it land, water or gas. As the world runs today we are very much in a rush to make maximum money we can for our business and competition is only a means of abating sales of a competitor. As a result everything rests on money. The one with purchasing power dictates the rules and those who don’t have cannot at times feed themselves. Society as a whole then suffers all sorts of ills and we blame industrialized nations for the earth’s problems.

The whole point is to start to think of means of curing our planet from within the atmosphere and look at means of harnessing the energy that the sun, oceans and winds are offering us. Changing our long rooted habits of depending on one particular type of fuel is the first step to a cleaner earth and help in resolving the crises we face today. There is a lot we can do to trap this energy and convert usefully. Fossil, coal and nuclear fuel are all exothermic i.e. require combustion and releasing energy to do work. This obviously has an adverse effect on environment and creates waste in diverse forms. Bio-fuels although cleaner in terms of gas emissions will require enormous supplies of material to be produced and adversely affect food production for mankind. The solution surely lies in the harnessing of solar energy, stored and used for machinery driving as well as powering equipment.

Solar is available worldwide but more in some hemispheres than other because of long winters. Adequate planning is necessary for harnessing and storage as well as switching to alternatives depending on weather patterns. Wind energy is the best alternative in those cases especially during winter times. Already come countries are building wind farms with hundreds if not thousands of equipment to produce electricity. Electricity is indeed cleaner with no by-products but there are costs involved in setting up new methods of production. This is where it all comes to a crunch, those who invest want return on investment and earning money can hardly wait at times and the price set and aligned upon is often too high to make it affordable to those who need it most. This is where governments should intervene in favor of those who are on the lowest scales of the ladder socially speaking by subsidizing or better still regulating and putting up ceilings on prices to ensure that people who need it most can afford it. Some countries are fortunate to be surrounded or at least have some boundary by the sea. Thermal currents can be used again to produce electricity that would power homes. Gas producing countries are also in a better position to scale down the use of fossil fuel. Gas is clean with no side effects.

All these can only happen with a change in mindset of those who are in power and those who run businesses. It’s obvious that any entrepreneur would want return on investment but can the return be projected in the midterm rather than a next day harvest? It’s the all important factor wanting to let go of control of resources. It should be distributed or made available at a reasonably affordable cost throughout instead of one or two cartels controlling and being the richest of the richest whilst others are barely able to scrape a living. Can we be content with what we can afford and consume living comfortably rather than live in luxury which is excessive comfort? All we hear in the media these days is billions here and there. Yes hey are currently required to uplift those who are sinking economically but we need to plan ahead and start to research new methods of reducing dependencies on any kind of fuel. I believe everybody has a contribution to make to alleviate the planet from its present sufferings. All in our own little way we can try be more efficient in how we use the resources which serve us but if misused can only but destroy the planet we are living in. Those of us who have some ingenuity can start to power our own homes by alternative means than connection to the power grid. Producing our own electricity would be the best and it is fairly cheap and easy to do when you can get the material required which can be found in most hardware stores.

Technology should be used to the advantage of mankind first and foremost, but again the big danger is costs involved. How is humanity to benefit if all we do to “better” lives involves high cost which the end user has to fork out? We continue to improve but hidden behind this improvement is a need to spend more to get an upgraded product. Gone are the days when we had products that would last a lifetime. Now it has a shelf life, a lifetime and is all very limited so it has either got to be renewed or upgraded to enable new functions. This breaking down of a single item into numerous components that cannot function independently is only a means of maximizing profits and forcing consumers to buy more and newer versions. The reverse is also true. Items which should be assembled with different components are now made fully “integrated” which means that failure of one component will require the whole thing to be changed. Once that happens and it sure will, then what do we do with the faulty ones. Are they all recycled properly or is it just thrown out. In either case the amount of refuse of rejects that go into nature is enormous on a planetary scale, All we need to do is to look at the slums where people make a living a pittance of a living more appropriately in the slums world wide. That doesn’t help solve the global warming.

Man has to eat. What do we do with the unused parts of what we need to consume. Trash it of course. And where does it go? Again more rubbish to be disposed of. Take the case of big cities where skyscrapers abound and contain millions of people. The refuse produced is enormous on a daily basis. What’s done to actually dispose of it efficiently? Most would burn or bury it whereas it is biodegradable and could be used to produce new sources of energy. This is something that could be started on a household scale basis where applicable, i.e. where space is no constraint. It would benefit the householder and harmful and negative impact on planetary eco-systems and health would be lessened. Recycling as much as we can will only benefit us all. Most of unused items can be recycled and it only takes some initiative and minimal investment to achieve it all.

Standards are a norm in most advanced countries. They are put in place to ensure clients are getting value for money as well as ensuring that a certain minimum quality is met. It covers most if not all products and ensures that safety, health and quality are guaranteed. This is not only designed to reduce risks and hazards but include certain specifics requiring that countries manufacturing them develop the kind of skills and standards that need to be met. Another side benefit is that developing countries would all stand to gain by adopting these high standards to a practical extent. There is a “laiser-aller” attitude in some developing countries, which can related to economic conditions but governments of those countries should make efforts wherever possible to set up standards, stick to them and live within the rules. Foresight is required so careful advance planning can be made to cater for the future.

Our planet has tremendous resources which some of over-exploit for short term profit. The Amazon forest is a typical illustration. Forests the size of countries is being decimated within days and by thus doing we are weakening the earth’s lungs. If trees are no longer present to transform CO2 into oxygen then what do we expect to happen to inhabitants dwelling on earth. Everything will degenerate and the ultimate price to pay will be degradation, famine, starvation and poorer quality of life. To sum up I’d say that well all need to concert our efforts to scale down pollution, over-exploitation of resources and focus on humanity’s well being. Its hard but we could all begin to think about what we are going to leave for our children for their future. If we keep looting what’s available now to fatten our bank balances and be the richest the lets try answer one very simple question: What is anyone going to do with all the money in the world when there is not a morsel of food available in his/her plate? Worth thinking about