Finding the Truth Scientifically

Do you have to think scientifically to find the truth? We are not all scientists, nor do we wish to be. We do not chase after it with test tubes and measuring sticks, but if we are sufficiently endowed to recognize it, we find it.

Just as there are rules scientist use for arriving at their truths, there are rules truth seekers everywhere must use if they are genuinely seeking the truth. They must be keenly aware of the difference between the finding of support for what they want to be the truth and the actual truth.

A real truth seeker will not need to follow science’s rigid rules to discover the truth, but he must be willing to let go of whatever beliefs he holds dear when he finds evidence to the contrary. It also will help if he is in tune with his own way of arriving at truths and if he knows when he is actually searching for a truth or when he is merely curious.

Know yourself with all the warts, hang-ups and prejudices and decide once and for all to accept yourself for better or for worse. We know the difference between spiritual truths and natural truths. Scientist work mainly with natural truths and those that can be seen and proved and they do not deal with truths that are beyond their capacity to understand. Any good scientist will tell you that.

Understanding this difference is what makes scientist believe in God, and is what makes theologians and others who study religions and the ways of the soul, believe and support science.
It’s those who don’t want to believe that there are any other truth beyond those that they think they possess that cause controversy and confusion.

But what is the truth? Is it changeable and does it have various sets of rules for each of us? The truth is a fact. It is something that happened. It is something that can be proved. Truth seekers everywhere know that.

But what about spiritual truths? Don’t they have to be proved to be right? Absolutely. But they are not for the market place. Their proof is between themselves and their God. This a one on one relationship and while a whole group of people may hold such and such a belief as common truth for all, when it comes to proof, it’s each man for himself.

How many are allowed in a confessional at a time? Only one. Only he and his God will know if he is telling the priest the whole truth or only what he wants him to know. If he is lying only he and God will know it and he wasted his time. His guilt ridden conscience has not been eased. The only blessing will go to the priest who was doing his job of absolution as he saw fit.

You see, the truth is everywhere. It is most often overlooked because it is really not welcome. It often is not pretty and it does not advertise and it does not care what you think of it. It shows its beauty only to those who have the capacity to understand and to embrace it. It is not redundant. It will not chase after you yelling, come back here, I didn’t mean to offend you. Yes it did. It meant to do exactly that, otherwise you not even have noticed.

To be a partaker of spiritual truths, you must be a faithful believer of it. In fact, the word truth is from treowth, an Old English word meaning faithfulness.

Encarta World English Dictionary & (P) 1998-2005