Does Watching Porn Make one a Sexual Deviant

Pornography: while many years ago, in order to watch porn one would have to put a bit of dignity aside, gain some courage and enter a porn movie rental shop, nowadays, pornography is easily accessible with the click of a mouse. This has caused a great boom in the pornography industry as it enters the home of people often even un-invited. Yet what are the effects of pornography on people? Does watching it mean that the observer has some sexual deviation? Or is it part of a human’s nature to be curious and naturally inclined to watch it?

The answer to this really comes down to the observer’s mind, his or her psychological reactions, his or her past experiences and various dynamics that may take place. Of course, a main role plays the type of porn watched. Obviously, if the porn observed unfolds acts of rape, bestiality or includes children, then this may be a sign that a sexual deviation may be taking place.

In a well structured and stable mind, watching healthy porn that does not include the above mentioned scenarios, may just be a sign of natural curiosity. Singles, or people leading a lonely lifestyle in particular, may find that pornography may help relieve their sexual frustrations. In some cases, when both couples agree, pornography may revive a couple’s sexuality, leading to more ideas and creativity.

Trouble starts however, when the observer starts becoming addicted. This starts occurring when the individual distances himself from social life and if married, from his family. Porn in this scenario is often needed more and more frequently, The person involved may find that he is spending more and more time on the Internet and feels frustrated if he may not have access to his computer. If family members feel upset from the porn watching activity, fights may occur and ultimately, divorce may take place.

In individuals that are instable, sexual deviations may be exacerbated by watching pornography. For instance, watching repeatedly videos of pornography exhibiting the use of force, may cause certain individuals prone to want to carry out sexual acts such as rape. They feel that women may enjoy the use of force and have simply trouble admitting it openly because of moral or religious beliefs. This is often because in pornography women are often portrayed as objects of pleasure and that always say ”yes”.

Pedophiles may very likely enjoy pornography including children. However, they may decide one day to upgrade and carry out what happens in the videos. This may be because they may get tired of watching porn and may feel the need to go over the ”visual” part and carry out a crime involving a ”live” child. The dynamics may be quite disturbing at this point, because often deviant minds may start no longer accepting the videos and looking for more excitement venues from real life. Often, they do not realize the extent of their crime because they have learned to believe what happens in videos and have taken it as truth.

Pornography therefore, can be a healthy ”hobby” every now and then, but use it wrong and an addction may easily set in, or sexual deviantions may be brought out and exacerbate in people with unstable minds. It is all up to how you use it. Just as money, you can spend it wisely, spend too much, or gamble and lose it all, mind and sanity included….