Bad Breath Halitosis

Bad Breath – Keep it or Ditch it

Halitosis is defined as a condition of having offensive-smelling breath; bad breath. It is quite embarrassing to be told you have bad breath. You don’t want anyone near or around you. However there is an answer to bad breath: you can either cure or mask it however your situation decides.

The good news is that most bad breath cases do not need medical attention. Those who smoke or drink are more than likely to suffer from halitosis. It can also result from eating vegetables in the Linne family (i.e. onion and garlic), poor dental hygiene, certain medications or health issues, such as body systems failing. In the case of medication or health reasons it usually requires the assistance of a medical professional to help with chronic bad breath. However, the other causes can all be managed on your own.

If you smoke or drink, you can clean your mouth after smoking by using a mouthwash or by brushing your teeth. It also helps to take mints or flavored gum to mask the foul odor. Since smoking stains teeth, actually cleaning your mouth is probably the best option.

Some foods like garlic and onion will give you bad breath. You can stop bad breath from eating these vegetables by following the measures in the paragraph above. If you are going to attend an interview or an important meeting, it is best to avoid these foods until after your occasion.

You may also suffer from halitosis if you don’t brush your teeth and floss every day. Food particles that are trapped between your teeth rot and produce a foul smell. This is something you can take care of yourself by practicing good oral hygiene. If you do not practice good oral hygiene you might end up in a dentist’s office with cavities. However one should not wait until there is a problem. It is important to visit the dentist every six months.

For patients with failing systems or on medications such as those that interfere with the intestinal flora, bad breath may be inevitable. For someone who is very ill, there is usually less embarrassment associated with halitosis than for someone in good health. Since mouthwash and other chemicals that remove or mask the bad breath might adversely interact with prescription medications, the decisions on what to do in this category of sufferers is best left to medical practitioners.

In the meantime, do not ignore bad breath because it can mean more serious problems that may lead to gum disease. Ask your local pharmacist or search for over the counter products that will suit your needs.