Why some Patients Suffer with Depression after Surgery

A lot of people go through surgical procedures in their lives, and the likelihood of depression setting in could be dependent on the type of surgery one undergoes, and how strong your mental strength is. There are various reasons why depression can arise, and it is important to deal with it as soon as possible as depression can slow down the healing process.

There are many people that like to be very active in their lives, but if surgery requires them to rest up in bed for a number of weeks then this can make way for depression. Boredom easily sets in, with very little to do, and this can turn to sadness and frustration. If one is knowingly prone to depression then this should be duly noted before the surgical procedure so plans can be made for the patient to mentally prepare for the healing process. If extensive rest is required then having family and friends with the patient as much as possible will be of big help to them, and this can be useful to try and spot any signs of depression occurring.

Pain can also cause depression, especially if the patient has a low pain threshold. That horrible time of having to put up with pain nearly twenty four hours a day, barely getting sleep because of it and constantly having to take medication can take a toll on a person, especially somebody who is new to the experience of undergoing surgical procedures. Being as comfortable as possible is an obvious remedy, but it is important that the patient does not withold any information about the way they feel since there may be other medication that can improve the pain they feel.

Having high expectations of seeing quick improvement before a surgical procedure and coming out of the theater looking more worse than when one went in can have an undesired mental effect, too. Generally, all patients are told by their surgeons what to expect after their procedure, and some pain, and the sight of a cut that is dressed up is almost always expected by the patient. However, the reality of this situation can hit the patient hard when the time comes. It is important for the patient to realize that the recovery process can take longer than what has been told in particular cases, and that patience is key! Improvement will eventually happen, but things can become worse before they get better.

Bathroom issues can contribute toward depression, too. If a patient has been ordered to rest up in bed and they find it a struggle to get to the bathroom, or they have to go to the toilet by some other way while they are resting then they may feel embarrassed and useless because of this. If the patient is able to get out of bed then that hard walk to the bathroom in pain can seem like it can go on for an eternity, adding to other problems that are already being experienced.

General anaesthesia, used to put the patient to sleep so they did not feel anything, or psychologically experience the procedure in a bad way, can also have adverse effects. Anaesthesia for long surgical procedures can linger in the body for quite a long while. The exact time is up for debate, since some doctors say that it can remain in the body for only seventy two hours, however, others may say up to six weeks after the surgery has been completed! Anaesthesia is stored in the tissues, and the patient may suffer from memory loss, headaches, vomiting, dry mouth, among others. These issues can lead or contribute toward depression, however, depression due to anaesthesia may be uncommon to last anymore than six weeks.

