Why People Drink

Drug and alcohol abuse are often not understood. Why do people engage in self-destructive behavior around substances? Why do they drink again when it is clearly destroying their lives?

Well, the main reason that people turn to alcohol and drugs is that it is a way to escape reality. Work is often stressful. Marriages are tough. Depression is so common, and so tough to fight.

Both alcohol and drugs can temporarily alter your moods, helping you get away from these kinds of issues. The perception that most people have is that having a stiff drink will help them deal with a really tough situation.

Ultimately, people like the effect that alcohol and drugs have on their minds. Sometimes, people instantly become less worried when they start drinking.

Or, people may become much more outspoken or brave when they start to drink. Certain drugs such as ecstasy may provide them with a sense of euphoria, and a feeling of wellbeing.

While drugs and alcohol can make people feel better in the short term, the sad reality is that they are only band-aids. Even worse, drugs and alcohol often lead to all kinds of additional problems.

When people start turning to alcohols and drugs as a coping mechanism, then they are truly headed for trouble. Instead of learning more appropriate ways to work through issues, they are seeking chemicals to remove their minds from the situation at hand.

They are seeking to escape responsibility for their actions, and they are hoping to avoid some of the tough blows that life may throw at them. They may be seeking to numb pain or grief, instead of working through those hard emotions.

Those who fail to learn to deal with life on life’s terms tend to stop the natural maturation process. They are not growing up; instead they are getting high or drunk.

Life is by no means easy. But, those who choose to deal with life’s hardships through drinking and drugs are on a course that will go from bad to worse.

They will cause those who love them pain, as they are not present to deal with family or work problems. They will sell themselves short by dulling their senses, and not learning how to handle their difficulties with honesty.

They will likely deny that there is an issue, as their lives may be falling apart around them. Yes, they may turn to alcohol and drugs to escape reality. But, what they are really doing is forgoing their ability to truly live.