Why People are Afraid to help others

As long as I live, I doubt I will ever understand the lack of compassion people often have towards each other. What happened to the good old days when we were willing to lend a hand to those in need? Why are people afraid to help others?

I have seen many examples over the years that make me want to cry. I have heard stories of battered women who were beaten in rooms full of people where no one claimed to have seen a thing. I have seen homeless families on the street that no one would offer a bed to. I have even noticed fundraising statistics for a local charity have begun to plunge.

There are many situations that have turned out terribly because people refused to help. As a result, there are many people in today’s society that won’t ask for help. They don’t want to seem like a burden. They don’t want to feel needy. They may even feel like no one cares anyhow.

Society is plagued by bad influences. People are doing things we never imagined. Mothers drown their kids. Children shoot their classmates. Husbands beat their wives. This makes it hard not to be paranoid. Many people are too scared to take a chance on someone because of their own insecurities or general ideas about suspicious behaviors.

Sadly enough, many people think it is best to just not to get involved. This is typical if you see someone broke down on the side of the road or a woman being beaten by her husband. Many people pass on by because they don’t want any trouble.

Another reason people are scared to help others is superficiality. There are many people who are only focused on themselves. They don’t care what happens to someone else because it does not directly effect them. This same type of person will only help out if there is something in it for them.

I could point my finger in many directions. I could continue to blame everyone and everything I have ever known. I could make up excuses until I am blue in the face but when it comes to it, we have all lost sight of what it really means to help others.

What goes around comes around and one day, you will be glad you helped a stranger in need. Be selfless and willing to do for others. Sometimes, chances need to be taken. If things turn out badly, chalk it up as a lesson learned and give it another try. Don’t give up on mankind, you wouldn’t want them to give up on you.