Why Human Reasoning is Limited

Every single human on the planet is different. The term we were taught in first grade is “unique.” People have the tendency to act the same or similar to others at times, but they are still different. We all have different ideas, views and thought processes.

Having said that, it might help you to grasp just how many views there are on things. People will all see different sides of the picture. Reasoning is limited because of this. One person’s reasoning may have a major flaw to another person, and that can go on and on. Since we cannot see every possible angle in every possible light and every possible outcome, what reasoning we may come up with will be limited, and there is always more to think about or add to it.

Not only do we lack the ability to see absolutely every possibility of a given situation, but we also still have other things hindering us. Our reason and judgment are going to be flawed as we have emotions, as well as the reactions to those emotions. That’s not to say that emotions are a bad thing, but they do affect our decisions and ways of thinking about things. That even has the potential to be a good thing at times. Either way, they are a factor in our ability to think clearly, logically and reasonably.

Added onto that is, as mentioned before, our reactions to our emotions. When we feel emotions, we react to them, which causes us to think in different ways than we did before. Sometimes, it inhibits thinking at all, with emotions such as fear, anger or sadness. The expression “frozen with fear” is an example. If you’ve ever felt that way, you know how it feels to totally freeze up. You do not move, you do not think, and time seems to be suspended. You go blank for a period of time. Or, when you’re so enraged that you think of nothing but the desire to move and act on that anger, usually in violent ways. With sadness, we can feel blank and in shock by things that have happened. Major emotions such as those can and do affect how we think and reason with things, continuing to put emphasis on why our reasoning, as humans, is limited and will continue to be so.