Why a Whale is not a Fish

Why is a whale not considered a fish? This is a topic many people stumble upon. Yes both fish and whale live in the water; but, can both breath straight air, can both give birth to live babies, and can both feed those lave babies with milk? I think not. For a long time whales have been mistaken for fish. Well guess what, they aren’t and here’s why.

For one, whales give birth to live, kicking and breathing babies which they feed with milk. Fish lay eggs and do not even produce milk. Every mammal feeds their young with milk. I’ve never heard of any other species feeding their young with milk.

Two, whales breath straight air with their lungs. Fish have gills, which are not able to break down straight air. That’s why when you take them out of the water they look like they are gasping for air. For the most part a fish must keep moving through the water so that the oxygen from the water filters through the gills.

Three, whales and fish have different organ make-ups. For example, the sexual organs are located externally in whales and internally in fish. Fish also have a water bladder which they can fill up to make themselves sink or get higher in the water. This organ isn’t located in whales at all.

Four, in many studies over the years whales have shown to have emotional connections with each other. They show family relations and show and understanding of family connections. They communicate with each other on a vocal and “body language” level. Fish travel together yes but they show no real sign of emotional ties. Whales will mourn the loss of a family member. Fish just keep going as if nothing happened.

So now ask yourself this, do I as a mammal give birth to a live baby, do I feed it with milk, do I breath straight air, and do I have emotional connections with other human beings. I believe your answer would have to be a yes; wouldn’t it? Whales are not fish, they are mammals. Just take the time to think about This, Mammals are the only species that feeds their young with milk. Yes whales and fish both live in the water but the differences among them are abundant.