Why a Human being needs Solitude

Perhaps I take on an individualistic persona when I say this, but I enjoy the feeling of solitude. In a world where people often enjoy socializing and jumping from one event to the next, there is something luxurious and slow-paced about those moments to yourself.

As many would agree, the weekdays are mostly composed of hitting your alarm clock in the wee hours of the morning, transporting yourself to work, going through the motions of your normal work day, and then getting home in just enough time to make dinner and then go to bed. Not to mention that this cycle will restart itself in only a few short hours.

Perhaps this is a rather depressing way of looking at life, but in a world of constant work days, chores, and those little moments of socializing, it is refreshing to have moments that are completely enjoyable because they center around you. 

Perhaps I’m too selfish, but I pride myself on being independent, and that means enjoying those rather significant moments of solitude where for a moment the world revolves around you. You don’t need to make small talk, fix dinner, do laundry, or any of the assorted chores and daily grueling tasks; all you must do is come home, throw on your coziest pajamas, make yourself a nice bubble bath, drink a lovely glass of wine and read that novel you have wanted to start for weeks but never could find time for.  

Personally, I have found solitude to do two things for me: provide me with a few hours of peace (to allow myself to unwind after a long day) and to help get my priorities in order. I have often found that moments in solitude have helped me gather my thoughts regarding myself, my goals, the world, my relationships, and how I shall go about getting the most out of life. It has helped me make major decisions for the future, and I am so pleased to have such small moments of glorious solitude in the midst of chaos. Having those moments of peace and quiet, to absorb your thoughts and listen to your wants, is important.

Again, I realize how individualistic this sounds, but I also realize how important it is to take care of yourself before you can take care of others. If you don’t give yourself the time, respect, and occasional pampering, how will you ever be mentally, emotionally, and physically able to help others?

Solitude provides you with so many benefits: prioritizing, daydreaming, creating realistic, and sometimes idealistic goals, de-stressing, physical and mental relaxation, and enjoyment. Nothing sounds more beautiful than coming home from work, kicking off my shoes and getting into a warm tub with a good book and relaxing music in the background.

 I often dream of these moments when I find myself at an overcrowded and over-hyped bar, when I’m sitting at my office desk and my watch almost reads five, and when I get up in the morning, in my sleepy stupor, hoping that the day provides something new and exciting.

Solitude is a physical and emotional recovery from the daily stresses of life, and everyone should take time out to enjoy, what I like to refer to as, “me” time. After many years of running myself ragged making sure others were happy and satisfied, I realized that I also needed to take care of myself. I was ignoring my needs and wants because I couldn’t even imagine putting myself before others. Having a little solitude in no way puts me above others, but I do believe that it is a necessary part of daily rejuvenation after a long day, and I know I wouldn’t be the best friend, partner, and daughter I could be without providing myself with some “Me” time.

I know many people who thrive on socializing. They often complain about this so-called “me” time that I value so much. Often solitude gets verbally abused by those who enjoy company to being alone. 

I was raised to be an independent and self-sufficient person, and perhaps it also helped that I was an only child. I discovered that solitude was a positive aspect of life; time allotted for yourself to enjoy what makes you happy.

In a world where pleasing people seems key, in solitude there is no one to please but yourself. And who knows what you want better than you? I also find that solitude can bring out the productive and efficient qualities in myself that often get bogged down with everyday chores, necessities, and lack of hours in the day. I become a take-charge, go-getter and I start to map out life goals and dreams for the future.

There is some comfort in discovering what you want to do with your life and realistic ways of going about attaining them, and I find that solitude does just this for me. Solitude allows me to be alone with my thoughts to figure out what I need at that moment, whether that be future plans, short-term goals, day by day mini lessons, or just the tranquility of silence.

 I believe everyone needs moments of solitude, to allow yourself to be pampered, appreciated, and more efficient in the long run. In a world where socializing is almost top priority, I take comfort in the fact that sometimes just socializing with my thoughts, in the peacefulness of solitude, is all I need.