Who are the Intellectuals

Intellectual was first used as an adjective in the 14th century to mean basically mental pursuits. Now it has become a noun referring to a person “a: given to study, reflection, and speculation b: engaged in activity requiring the creative use of the intellect” (Merriam Webster). Another definition is found on Wikipedia, “An intellectual (from the adjective meaning “involving thought and reason”) is a person who uses his or her intelligence and analytical thinking, either in a profession capacity, or for personal reasons”. What does either of these actually mean? What are the characteristics of an intellectual?

The first part of the first definition, “given to study” would indicate that one characteristic is that they should be educated. But does that mean a formal education or self educated? One often has to study harder to be self educated that to earn a university degree! A university degree can merely mean you memorized some information and passed tests, not that one is intelligent! Using a degree, most lawyers and politicians could be considered intellectuals. Do politicians really use thought or reason?

Maybe we should delve a bit deeper and consider “reflection and speculation” involving analytical thinking, knocks out most professions! Who reflects, speculates and thinks analytically? Mainly, judges, scientists and philosophers! They would be intellectuals. So what are the characteristics of persons in these two fields?

First and foremost, open mindness. This is a willingness to look at other views and consider them without emotion or prejudice. They may not agree or accept all of them, but they should consider them! Once everything is looked at and considered, they then make decisions based upon the facts, that is part of the analytical thinking.

Because they reflect and judge things carefully, intellectuals are often viewed as impersonal. They can seem cold and aloft from others. Many a successful scientist as had problems dealing with everyday life in society and the same can be said of philosophers and judges. The sad part is that they usually are warm, just basing things upon facts rather than emotions!

So the characteristic of an intellectual is well educated, open minded, fair and unemotional. They do analytical thinking, using reason and facts to draw conclusions. Intellectuals are intelligent and use that intelligence to help others!