What would the World be like with 2 Billion People

If the Earth had The two billion people they move to Australia and China-the ancient venerable middle Earth with the heavenly kingdom of secular delights and a thousand pleasure.  nearly everyone living on Earth would be a part of a global consortium for the rehabilitation of the biosphere. A substantial percentage would be devoted to controlling runaway meltdowns of thousands of nuclear plants that burned out of control following the plague of the mid twentieth century. These are good and moral activities-yet  would live in Santa Barbara California and fish.

California would be a good state without anyone living it besides myself and twenty or thirty specially educated student interns. I would probably be quite old by then and imparting my wisdom to these delightful creatures would be a task that I would shoulder with fortitude. So be it-life provides difficult duties upon those that are called to service. California would become the Next Utopia and I would prepare it for use by others when the land has recovered in two thousand years.

Florida would  become the land of the giant crocodiles. It is possible that dinosaur sized chickens would take over after escaping genomic re-designation laboratories at the Karloft facility. Colonel Frying Brown and Serve would have some real challenges in selling just one-thousandths of such a drumstick, yet with no consumers it would be non-problem.

With two billion souls on Earth perhaps the remainder will live on Mars after eviction. Creating underground Martian tunnels and monolithic spray-gunnite domes would provide sufficient shelter. Recycling of oxygen would be usual as would the job of gardening. If too many musicians are permitted to take root then the society will be corrupted-the population will drink red wine all day and sing polly wolly doodle or some such non-sense.

If California there shall be industrial strength writing of high tech poetry. Scribes prepared for high speed scrivening will encalligraphicly capture the sort of rhyme that is required for the conservation of social order. When life gets too tedious and the I need relief from the challenges of the day to day work I will sail to Alaska to photograph wildlife and observe the recovery from all the oil spills and greenhouse gas thermal warming of permafrost.

The Martians may become restive and decide to tackle terra-forming or Martia-forming Venus. Much has been written about that job. Personally I would prefer that Dyson Spheres or spray out tests of habitation around micro fusion mini-stars take priority over planetary society developments. There is much more potential for statistical tensoring of micro-Sun encapsulating mini Dyson spheres to various regions of this galaxy than there is in Martia-formation of Venus.

Earth with two billion people will need even so to be on a renewable ecological economic footing with minimal thermodynamic waste of materials. The leadership will still want to accumulate ‘wealth’ of more or better materials than the non-alpha personalities. Wealth must be c4ranked out of a machine or factory. It cannot be good sunsets, solitude, good friends, health and sufficient necessaries for all to enable the reading of good books and investment of time in research and very select development.I will use the invisibility cloaking devices for myself and my student interns if I live in this future world with just two billion people. On second thought I will need a few doctors, dentists and policemen to arrest the terrorist lunatics   that will inevitably attempt to overthrow the lawful government. Maybe some farmers to raise wheat for bread, and dairy farmers to make butter for Italian bread with spicy butter. Enough personnel to produce essential items will be liberated from oppression in Australia and China. So I will need a navy and Air Force to combat the foreign oppressors seeking to make a commune of  the world and…