What is Monoculturism

Monoculturalism is a term formed with two root words; mono (meaning one) and culture. One culture is fundamentally the natural state of affairs for a stable society. Societies in transition, collision, conflict and change tend to be multi-cultural and inherently unstable. Radical multi-culturalism may be illustrated historically with countless examples. The mongol invasion of Russia brought a new culture in to a fairly stable culture. The arrival of Christopher Columbus brought multi-culturalism to the Caribbean Indians (now extinct), yet multi culturalism does not always and inevitably herald disaster for the stable society suddenly destabilized-it may on a minority of occasions be a policy designed by a superior class to import workers from several cultures to a land without either enough workers to accomplish economic goals for the management or owning/ruling class, a cul de sac of anarchy receiving migrants, and a transitional build up of a population from several cultures that is either conformed to one synthetic culture or a build up of incompatible cultural values before a catastrophe transition of social fission in conflict.

Monoculturalism is a natural consequence of shared human values of communication and genetic continuity. It developed historically in geographically remote areas that are not too well isolated in the present era. Monoculturalism is at once simultaneously a desirable and inevitable direction of mass education and global travel and trade and yet anachronistic. Proponents of multiculturalism may simply be servo-units today of global corporate power structures seeking to plunder locals oppositely trying to preserve and conserve such political and economic rights as they have had the opportunity to win.

Multi-culturalism in the 20th century often referred to a colonialist class that spoke French or some language different from the peons, peasants, serfs, clods, locals that were monocultural. Multi-culturalism was considered by the supremacist class inherently superior. Global corporatism that realized it could extract cheap Chinese labor and production for a pittance in the post-cold war 1990’s period embodied an ethos of avoiding physical work or nationalism. Globalism was implicitly multiculturally predatory, and all monocultural local, national boundaries and barriers to predatory trans-national corporate profit taking were to be attacked.

A dialectic of Reaganomics theory developed such that it was believed no corporate taxes should be paid, derivatives could be invented to reallocate debt to national government dupes locally and unlimited resource consumption was a practical way to create a prospering concentration of wealth indefinitely as the United States ran vast federal deficits.

Monoculturalism would have a little more accountability that multi-globalism associated with a monist global new world order shaped to benefit a monoculture of wealthy corporatists primarily-even if China is increasing its consumption along with production and standard of living in an inefficient and non-renewable formation.

Global corporatism is itself a kind of transcending monoculturalism of business, and science too is fundamentally monoculture today-unless either set contacts extra-terrestrials neither is likely to encounter business or science beyond its own planetary realm of production and sharing of information. Politically however, multi-culturalism is synonymous with a subversion of national political rights and security as a private citizen for self determination. In the United States an invasion by illegal aliens from Mexico has brought millions more citizens to the nation and fundamentally changed the composition of the culture of the American south and elsewhere permanently creating adverse changes to employment opportunities for many native born citizens. The Spanish language speaking sub-culture and even spangleesh patois has splintered and separated the monocultural advantages to the benefit of the internal and external Hispanic proletariat and the global corporatist political economy degrading the prospects in the United States for either ecological economic policy or an increasing standard of living without increasing consumption or a reduction in the concentration of wealth that is making America increasingly stratified like Mexico. Usually political advocates of globalism attack nationalists with the pejorative term of being ‘monoculuturalists’, racists and so forth-even ‘protectionists’.

Monoculturalism within national boundaries is the inevitable development of a competent and rational state policy. The planet’s nations can never be isolated because technology prevents that. My books are available via the Internet globally-even if it would be desirable that they sold more copies-yet writers too need to work for a living at other jobs, and multi-culturalism tends to marginalize writers and intellectuals because the poor working class from the internal and external proletariat have zero sympathy, tolerance or respect for anything beside pure material prosperity. The very abrasively and inimically interact in the United States increasing social costs and reducing social opportunities for those not employing them and not independently wealthy. The government employees are the last to be effected by competition form illegal workers so they, and their corporate masters are very slow to seal up the border and regulate immigration in to the United States.

Multiculturalism might be compared to any kind of unstable transitional system of chaos with several input streams or circuits and several output streams or circuits. The entire system may be quite unstable, inefficient and short circuiting, corrupting with bizarre disappearances of money and opportunities and rife with organized crime. Given the fact that the planet is one natural system, the care of it regionally within nations accountable and responsible for rational resource use with a renewable economic system should be the best way for people to live on Earth until God arrives to wrap it all up.