What is a Sustainable Environment

A sustainable environment is a way of life. Everyone becomes a steward of the land, and natural resources. Collectively we each take or use only what we need to live, and survive. Communities adopt a conserve and preserve mentality, creating an environment that is able meet the needs of present and future generations.

The development of a sustainable environment is possible through long-term planning, and vision. Sustainability is essential to our world’s health. Long-term planning and vision means eco-friendly development in local communities, which will lead to positive growth of our economy.

Our environment is complex, and very fragile. Made up of air, water, land, organic, non-organic, and living organisms. When one small part of our eco-system is contaminated, such as water, the contamination sends out a ripple felt by all. Contaminated water effects plants, insects, fish, and eventually it effects our food chain.

Sustainability is essential to the continued health of our environment for current and future generations. Natural resources are a part of everyone’s daily life. If natural resources continue to be depleted tourism, forestry, agriculture, and every part of your life will be detrimentally effected.

Encourage others and be an active participant in creating a sustainable environment. Make a commitment today to conserve energy, buy only environmentally responsible products and goods, change how you do things, adopt the philosophy of taking and using only what you need to survive.

Businesses take a more active role in encouraging a more sustainable environment too by adopting an environmental management plan, reducing waste and emissions, and adopting policies and plans that are environmentally responsible. Government should begin to adopt legislation that makes businesses adhere to sustainable practices or face severe penalty.

There are no real laws regarding our individual roles in the development of a sustainable environment. At this time, it’s a way of life. Every small step that is taken by people benefits you, me, them, and the world as a whole. Every small step adds up in the end or better yet, doesn’t add up. Our end goal in our lifetime is to leave the environment in better shape then when we came into the world.

It’s possible to adopt a universally sustainable lifestyle, and have a growing economy. Our current needs can be met and we don’t have to compromise future generations. Ultimately our very life and livelihood depends on keeping our natural systems viable.

Spread the word and start small. Look for ways that you can begin to educate friends, family, and your community about sustainable living. Visit: www.sustainable.org, they have great ideas about to create sustainable community networks. Support local businesses that practice sustainability.