Wetlands Conservation Water Resources Everglades Ecology

Preserving wetlands is a vital issue. Wetlands serve many critical purposes in the grand scheme of nature. They act as filters to remove silt from the flowing waters, they support myriad forms of life, they reduct the impact of floods and more.

Wetlands are the cradle of life. There is more diversity in wildlife found in them than any other place on earth. This diversity is represented by species as small as the paramecium and as large as alligators. Fish abound in the water, and birds naturally gravitate to these areas.

Man has channelized many of the rivers and wetlands in the name of improving the land and making it available for farming and development. It has taken decades and centuries for us to see the error of some of these decisions.

At last, efforts are being made to restore some of the wetlands to their former condition and let nature begin to heal what man has damaged.

Recently, lands have been purchased from agricultural firms in the Everglades to restore large tracts of land to a wetland condition. These wetlands had been drained to allow cultivation for sugar cane and other crops. This restoration will allow better water conservation, expanded range for wildlife species and better flood control.

Water has always been a critical issue for some of the western states, but with the prolonged drought in the southeastern US, it is obvious that the days of irresponsible water consumption and draining of wetlands are over.

Better planning and control of water resources is a necessity. Individual development will have to be monitored to assure that one man’s development plan does not negatively affect the environment in a way that will reduce the quality of life for others.

We are all stewards of this planet and must take a position on issues such as this. We must let our representatives in government know our concerns and not let unsound legislation be passed that will netagively impact our lives and the lives of our descendents.

Water is the most vital element required to sustain life. Without it, we perish. Our bodies are over 90% water. We can live without food for about three weeks, but without water for only three days. This should demand our attention.

We are facing a tremendous increase in fuel prices and everyone is concerned about the gravity of the situation. I would suggest that we are facing what will become a much more critical situation as water resources become more important due to population increases, drought and misuse.

Let’s all begin to develop a respect for nature and consider the value of wetlands as a vital link in the chain of life.