Weeping Willowsweeping Willow Profilefacts about the Weeping Willow Tree

The Weeping Willow is a tree that is a preferred tree among tree lovers. Considered a shade tree, the weeping willow is comprised of low hanging branches that give off the look of a canopy.

There are over four hundred different species of weeping willow trees with the majority of the four hundred found in the Northern Hemisphere. Weeping willows can be found growing as a tree as well as a shrub. In some areas weeping willow trees can be found growing so low to the ground they are deemed crawling shrubs. This form of the weeping willow most commonly can be found in the arctic or alpine regions. With the exception of these weeping willow shrubs, the majority of weeping willow trees can grow to be 40 feet in height.

The weeping willow is one of the fastest growing shade trees, averaging 6 to 8 feet, and in some cases 10 feet, of growth per year. The leaves of a weeping willow are most commonly elongated and most species of the weeping willow are considered to be deciduous, meaning they lose their leaves in the fall and gain them back in the spring. The leaves are most commonly a beautiful green color. The weeping willow produces both male and female flowers making them dioecious. The flowers appear as catkins, which are slim clusters of flowers taking the shape of cylinders. These catkins usually appear in the early spring and most often they appear before the tree’s leaves have returned. Both the male and female flowers produced by the weeping willow are without petals and in the case of the male flowers are simply a bunch of stamens. The number of stamen that comprises the male flower can vary from two to ten, while the female flower simply contains an ovary. Both flower clusters of the male and female are usually oval and elongated with hair.  They are usually found to be a pale yellow color and are not considered to be showy.

The roots of a weeping willow tend to grow widespread and they spread very aggressively in search of water. The weeping willow has watery bark with sap that is heavily abundant with salicylic acid. The branches of the weeping willow are normally slender but are made of tough wood.

The weeping willow is the perfect addition to any landscape. Well known for its beauty, grace and its ability to add shade to its surrounding landscape.  Adding a weeping willow to your landscape, garden or yard is thought to bring calmness and serenity to its surrounding area.