Visualizing Infinity

Visualizing infinity is a bit like imagining yourself as the opposite sex. You can think of looking in the mirror and imagining yourself as a man or a woman. Try to think or visualize what infinity is and you stumble. Infinity is a concept foreign to our minds. Of all the ways to visualize infinity, there is one way to know it. Take a journey into the infinity in your mind.

Your journey begins tonight when you go to sleep. Closing your eyes, draw a long deep breath into your lungs. The fresh intake of oxygen invigorates yet calms you. Breathing deeply again, relaxation floods your body. One more deep breath pulls you farther along the path of relaxation.

Recognize and dismiss your fear. Allow any thoughts or concerns to surface. Imagine a balloon around your every thought and watch the balloons float softly from you. Welcome any thoughts that enter your mind, enclosing each thought in a balloon and watch them all drift away.

Your relaxation deepens and your journey begins.

Sensing the blackness, allow your mind to fall. Detach from your mind, releasing your grip of reality. Empty your body and forget it exists. Lose the boundaries of your body and easily slip from your consciousness. You have no form, no identity. Floating outward, no longer human, you fall into the deepest corner of space. Drifting like star dust, seep farther and farther into the blackness of space.

It’s pleasant falling and flowing nowhere. Deepening your relaxation, welcome the soft, sweet delight of oblivion. Cradled in the loving fabric of the universe, trust fills you. You know this place. You traveled here, guided by an inner calling.

Totally relaxed and peaceful, tranquility engulfs you. You recognize this place of nothing that feels so right. Feel a soft rosy glow of light infuse and warm you. This is your place, your home in the universe. Remain here, comforted and nourished. Rest in a soft blanket of love for a moment or two.

Refreshed and invigorated, arouse yourself to a more conscious level. Expanding your visual field, look far out into the darkness and see a corridor. A corridor in your mind. Walk down this long corridor, following it to the end. Your journey’s destination greets you. At the end of the corridor, three doors appear before you. One door beckons you. Drift slowly towards it. A familiar longing you deny in waking life compels you. A gift lies behind the door, something waiting for you forever.

Nothing in your life before this moment exists. After this moment, your life changes forever. Open the door to a new awakening. Looking out, anticipation fills you. The air is light and breezy and the wind smells sweet. Realization floods you. Every path of life exists. Every dream, every hope of yours lives here. New ideas beckon you. The possibilities are limitless. The possibilities are infinite.

Embrace the concept of infinity, your infinity. The knowing of infinity found you.

All experiences of infinity are unique and individual. Each person discovers their own infinite truth. Rich and fertile, plant new ideas and concepts here to blossom and grow.

Awakening in the morning, life unfolds and opens its arms to your new understanding of infinity. Embrace and cherish this gift of knowing. You discovered it. Never let it go. If you lose your way, come back here again, to this article and find your infinity once more.