Uncovering Magnetism from Earths Core to your Physiology

The developing drop in the Earth’s magnetic field is definitely not a new thing over the years. These historical drops have occurred since the 1830s, with the magnetic field and its historical measurements showing us that its intensity has decreased as much as ten percent since that date, proven by Gauss’s 1830 invention of the magnetometer. But the measurements lately are showing us that the Earth’s magnetic field is not decreasing in a normal manner, but in a dramatic way.

According to a November 2003 NOVA article, “Magnetic Storm”, a storm deep within Earth is weakening the magnetic field. Even almost five years ago the scientists know something was going wrong, with Jeremy Bloxham of Harvard University saying, “The question is not if that’s going to happen [regarding Earth losing the magnetic field], it’s when that’s going to happen.” The core of the Earth seems to have generated a dramatic change over the past years, with the core’s ability faltering. Many reversals are occurring every 250,000 years with none occurring for approximately a million years or so-obviously we are due, according to many scientists.

With so many scientists agreeing on the declining of the Earth’s magnetic field, few can agree on what it means or its interpretations. Yet now all heads are up as it is disappearing at an alarming rate at the poles or near the poles, which is an excellent sign the flip is close to happening. Discovered by an individual by the name of Gauthier Hulot of France’s Paris Geophysical Institute, this clear sign of the soon-to-be “magnetic field’s flip-flop” has been plotted for the past 20 years by satellite measurements of field variations.

The plotting of molten iron generated Earth’s magnetism deep underground and spotted huge whorls that are near both poles, with Hulot theorizing that the vortices rotate in a way which reinforces a “reverse magnetic field”. Once they begin to grow at a rapid rate, the eddies weaken the dominant field which is the very first step toward the new polarity. Scientific Americana has reported Hulot’s interpretation is now backed by computer simulation studies. And because we do not know how long this reversal will last, it remains a matter of scientific controversy.

“These solar particles can have profound effects,” said Dr Paul Murdin, of the Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge. “On Mars, when its magnetic field failed permanently billions of years ago, it led to its atmosphere being boiled off. On Earth, it will heat up the upper atmosphere and send ripples round the world with enormous, unpredictable effects on the climate.”