The best Books about Penguins

For those who are fascinated by the penguin, or simply wish to know more about these interesting birds, there are some amazing books of interest easily available. From tales of pure entertainment that will generate many laughs to awe-inspiring photos and information about these charming human-like creatures. This article focuses on the very best books offered, that cater to any penguin-fanatic, or anyone wishing to be entertained, informed and mesmerized by these endearing flightless birds.

Penguins of the World by Wayne Lynch

This comprehensive book about all 17 species of penguins is based on the author’s (who happens to also be an explorer) discoveries while observing these fascinating flightless sea birds. From birth to death, eating habits, mating rituals, family life and breeding, this book is filled with lots of information for the already or wannabe penguin fanatic. One very nice aspect about the book is the superb quality of photographs, as well as the general very easy to read and fluid style of writing throughout. The book is 176 pages and contains 123 photographs.

Fraser’s Penguins: A Journey to the Future in Antarctica by Fen Montaigne

Fraser’s Penguins is named after the main scientist (Fraser) who worked with the author (Fen) while observing the Adelie penguins in Antarctica. The book is written as a tale, and features detailed information about Antarctic history, the impact that global warming is having upon the population of penguins in the area, as well as descriptions of working and living in such an awe-inspiring and beautiful environment. The reader immediately and pervasively feels as though they are the traveler, as they see what the author saw. The book is 304 pages, and is a top rated book about the plight of penguins today. A great read for any one seeking more information about these popular sea birds, and concerned about their survival.

Mr. Popper’s Penguins by Richard and Florence Atwater

A classic book purely for entertainment purposes, yet it represents one of the best ever story books ever to have been written. It’s a favorite among the young and the old, and just goes to show that penguins were also popular in the 1930s – when the book was first released. Despite such an old date, it’s a book far from outdated. In fact, just recently of June this year, a movie depiction of the book was made starring Jim Carrey as Mr Popper. The book has a great and amusing storyline, guaranteed to generate some chuckles. The book can be summed up as one of innocent fun and amusement. A top rated must-read!

Flipping Brilliant: A Penguin’s Guide to a Happy Life by Jonathan Chester

This book has a professional polar photographer and expeditioner as the author. The book is only 64 pages yet it’s a very economical book for any penguin-lover, and makes a great gift. The book has some truly magnificent photos (and could be bought for this factor alone) filled with lots of advice about life or penguin-wisdom. It’s a great pick-me-up book penguin style, written in a very amusing and informative way.

These books cover the needs of anyone suffering from penguin-deficiency. They represent the very best books about these charming human-like birds, and satisfy any cravings for information, amusement and entertainment, penguin-style.