Teleportation Quantum Mechanics Entanglement

Teleportation Via Quantum Mechanics’ Entanglement. Is teleportation real?

Since 1997, teleportation of the state of a quantum system has been successfully and repeatedly possible. Today it is being increasingly considered in cryptography and computing. The feasible idea of teleportation started in the 1980’s with William Wootters and W. Zurek. In 1993, Physical Review Letters published an article about it by Charles Bennett. In December 1997, Nature published the article “Experimental quantum teleportation.”

Can people, or anything in our macro world, be teleported? Is “Beam Me Up, Scotty” possible? That answer depends on where, if any, is the line between the quantum world and our everyday macro world. De Broglie discovered that particles have wave-like appearances with a wavelength that can be computed. Do macroscopic objects, such as people, have wavelengths? Are macroscopic objects in a pure physical state or a mixture of physical states? Are macroscopic objects the sum of all their elementary particles and their corresponding wave-functions? Alternatively, are they a single macro-object with one wave-function? On the other hand, is the “single” macro-object a combination of quantum and macro-objects? Hope starts when one believes change is possible. That’s why I believe these questions will be soon answered.

Viable teleportation started with the discoveries of lady’s man and physicist Erwin Schrodinger. In 1925, while staying at a friend’s Swiss Alp chalet, with a lady who was not his wife, he came up with his famous expression. Schrodinger’s Equation is the foundation of our modern technological lifestyle.

What Schrodinger did, encouraged and supported by his private life between consenting adults, was artistic creation. His equation was not only a new and original physical theory but was mathematically consistent and repeatedly proven by experimental observations. I believe that a private life between consenting adults is no one else’s business. I question why someone else thinks they have the right to make it so. Someone who makes someone else’s private life between consenting adults their business is to me a pervert, a Peeping Tom and is dangerously mentally ill.

In a series of papers in 1926, using as a foundation the works of Joseph B. J. Fourier’s 1822 mathematical functions involving the sum of sine and cosine wave functions, Schrodinger discovered entanglement. Because physics use trigonometric functions to represent a wave, the sine curve and the cosine curve for various parameters can be added to another. That means waves can always be superposed onto each other. Schrodinger took the sums of several solutions using the property of linearity to arrive at his Schrodinger Equation. The solution to the Schrodinger Equation is always a wave. The result was the discovery a particle, such as an electron, can be found in a state that is a superposition of other states. Wave superposition is the explanation for the phenomenon of interference.

Quantum particles can never be exactly described. Instead, they are described by their probabilities. Why? Because no longer are precisely known elements being dealt with. Physicists use Schrodinger’s Equation to establish statistical predictions currently only in the world of the very small. It is similar to the odds of rolling two 6’s with dice. The odds are1/6 for each die. 6 x 6 is 36 so the odds of rolling two 6’s is 1/36.

In 1935, Schrodinger coined the term entanglement. Particles, and systems, which are linked particles, can superpose with each other and even themselves. Entanglement is a system interfering with itself. That means the wave function in configuration space cannot be factored. Schrodinger wrote “When two systems, of which we know the states by their respective representations, enter into a temporary physical interaction due to known forces between them and when after a time of mutual influence the systems separate again, then they can no longer be described as before, viz., by endowing each of them with a representative of its own. I would not call that one but rather the characteristic trait of quantum mechanics.”

There is the sentiment that ideas become ripe for simultaneous and independent discovery by several people. That waves and eddies in space-time bring us together. Heisenberg came up at the same time with something mathematically equivalent to Schrodinger. Synchronicity as in do great minds think alike and do people in love think alike due to entanglement? There’s a connection. Did the Big Bang interact everything? I read Schrodinger’s description of entanglement and immediately thought Schrodinger was thinking more about love. Love and physics are similar. We live and experience both but in neither do we posses an understanding of the underlying processes. Something I bet Schrodinger knew as he maintained several open affairs, many long-term, throughout his life, even after his marriage to Anny, who not only tolerated it, but supported him in it, as did all his girlfriends. One extramarital affair resulted in a baby girl with one Sheila Mae Greene who was then married to David Greene. They later separated and David raised the girl. Schrodinger has a grandson, not through his wife, who grew up to be a physicist.

Schrodinger’s Equation, the result of Schrodinger’s determined guesswork and his physicist’s intuition, radically changed our lifestyles. It gave physicists an equation describing how matter-waves evolve in space and time. That led to the development of among other things, the transistor, the laser, CD player, nuclear fission as in atomic bombs, personal computers, nuclear fusion as in hydrogen (the most abundant element) bombs, cell phones, and DVD players.

“When he had the time, he didn’t have the energy and, – when the moment was right, he couldn’t figure out the position.” – Tryggvi Emilsson about Heisenberg’s love life 😉