
Could it have been a coincidence or could it have been something more meaningful?

This question happens to most everybody during their lifetime and sometimes regularly, most brush it off as quickly as it happened and continue on with their day, but others stop to ponder in pure awe at it and then there are others who want answers.  
One such man was Carl Gustav Jung (born 26 July 1875 and died 6 June 1961) a Swiss psychologist and influential thinker. 
Carl Gustav Jung formed the theory of synchronicity which basically means that two or more casual unrelated events meet to form a strange singular event. Jung’s idea of synchronicity is of simultaneous occurrences that are meaningfully related. His theories gave evidence to support these strange occurrences. 

All he had were his theories of synchronicity, but that was enough to create a spark in the scientific world. So much so it caught the attention of two of the world’s greats, Albert Einstein and Wolfgang Pauli. Jung believed that there were parallels between synchronicity, relative theory and quantum mechanics.
Jung’s description of synchronicity as an “acausal connecting principle” or a “meaningful coincidence” and a “acausal parallelism” were finally giving answers to the world about these relatively unknown baffling events. Jung discussed his theory with the two amazing quantum mechanics –  Albert Einstein and Wolfgang Pauli, who believed that synchronicity, could perhaps be relative to the theory of relativity.
Jung became absorbed by such an idea of life not just being a series of random events, but a series of well calculated and organized events. So much so he wrote a formula to back up his theory consisting of a cross with Indestructible energy north, causality east, space-time continuum south and synchronicity west. His concept and the meaning of synchronicity are along the east to west line – causality and synchronicity
Although causality is events by cause, Carl Jung believed they may also be events by their meaning: Concurrent events deemed to be coincidental but turn out to be causally in coincident.
A difficult concept to get one’s head around one must think, but it also gives us thought and theory for those moments we so commonly call coincidental.
There are several moments or events of synchronicity I have come across in my life, too many and too fast to remember. Often with my phone, may it be that I think of a friend and suddenly that person rings or I go looking for my phone and it rings. There are moments when I would be speaking casually with someone and the TV either in conversation or visually relates to something relevant, or a channel I switch to, too is based on something very relevant.
It seems to be a subconscious feeling of overwhelming for a split second until it has gone and then you are left holding on to a very short memory of the event. It is strange, but intriguing and a taste of the unknown. Carl Jung believed that synchronicity came from a collective unconscious. Where the experiences of time and even the future, are all stored here.
Whatever it is, it is; and for me, I look forward to the next time it happens to me so I can ponder upon it and try to make sense of it.