Secular Humanism a Relgion is Humanism Moral is Humanism Ego Centric Christianity and Secular

Secular Humanism does not deny religion, but allows people to choose their own faith. It defends separation of church and state so no central authority can begin to dictate tyranny.  It accepts that people are basically good and trustworthy, and should be entitled to democracy; and a voice in their own fates. It affirms intellect and knowledge are worthy endeavors. So what is so bad about secular humanism? There is much to examine here.

Critics often claim secular humanism qualifies as a religion in and unto itself.  The claim is supported by plenty of evidence to be found that some people without a specific, (usually) Christian faith are corrupt, sinful, worship false gods of lust and worldliness, and they crave less authority. The critics also point out that people without a focused faith, humanists, are more likely to defend progressive agendas, forever pushing the envelope toward godlessness.

But Christianity is actually a quite recent development.  For most of the last one million years, people lived within, cared for and worshiped the creation and what they perceived as “creators” without a duality, monotheism, or strict “membership” into salvation.  Even early scribes of the bible, the early Hebrews, once recognized God as being in the wind and breath that established life. That breath become uttered word allowed an oral tradition that still was inclusive of humanity in the creation. But when some discovered writing down the rules, everything changed. Having a scriptural authority was born, along with a priesthood, kings, authority and so on. Improved agriculture and technology, of course, had a huge influence on this as well.

Secular humanists see humans as being gifted with a higher consciousness, and that people should responsibly take charge. But even more progressive thinkers realize this does not go far enough!  Humans, thinking they are distinct and separate from the rest of creation, have driven every people influenced disaster on earth, from wars, to holocausts, to pollution, the sixth extinction, and now climate change. Humanism, since its origins, has not stopped the plundering of peoples, or the planet. However, it is still a better idea than outdated despotism.

This observation puts humanity, even “enlightened” humanity right back into the “isms” they categorize so well with the blessing and curse of the written word: Sexism, racism, and now humanism.  Secular Humanism is charged with being ego centric and not ECO centric.

What about environmentalism? Even that can become a dreaded “ism” as well, but it is rapidly changing as science progresses more and more into the world of systems theory, deep ecology and cybernetic systems. The point here is that all of us, all matter and energy, are systems.  Environmentalism, ( an ecology of earth) can never be put into a neat box as one thing.  It, by definition,  is all things, encompassing all the “isms” as well as the tiniest bacteria that made photosynthesis, (and thus life possible), to the highest swirling galaxies where people often place the home of God or gods.

Full circle brings us back to seeing wind as God.  If we love God we recognize all creation as divine.  Not just humanity is sacred, or entitled to any special soul consideration.  Now this is not the cop out kind of god such as some have extensively have written, (Well written, literate and thoughtful), but for lack of a better word, this god is  creation itself.  By evolution some gases became conscious, and then a bunch of gas bags started killing each other over what/who/why is most conscious!

Still galaxies, moons and even planets of life swirl about without human intelligence most of the time;  for billions of years, in fact. To many, this signifies that intelligence, whether of design or not, exists with, and without people.

Most scientists today view the crisis of the world as only being solvable if humans admit it is caused by a lack of realizing all life on earth is shared, inter-dependent, and part of who we are. When humanity admits we too, are organisms, not more special,or better than other animals, life becomes recognized as kin, and not as extractable, or plowed under or burn as commodities to fight over as “owned.”