Preparing for a Hurricane

It is likely that most everyone who lives in the USA is familiar with the basic concepts of boarding up windows and bottling water in regards to approaching hurricanes. However, there are many other preparations that should be made when a hurricane is a threat.

The news programs on TV generally only talk about live-saving preparations, but neglect to mention other things that can be done to make life easier while a hurricane passes. TV also does not concern itself with what is to be expected during the recovery period, nor does it stress that even people who are inland in the general path of a hurricane need to make preparations.

Hurricanes do not lose enough power after landfall to make them harmless. While it is true that the most danger occurs at the landfall site, hurricanes still can cause widespread rain and wind damage further inland, which translates to flooded roads and loss of electricity. Regardless of location (although people on the coast lines should evacuate), here are some preparations which should be made by anyone who is in the path of hurricane.

* Prepare Enough Drinking Water

Remember to prepare enough bottled water for pets as well as all family members. When the electricity goes out, water treatment plants can’t function and it becomes unsafe to drink the tap water. Don’t drink the tap water until it’s announced to be safe.

* Stock up on Batteries

When buying batteries, don’t just think of the ones for your emergency radio and flashlights. While the hurricane passes, radios will stop playing music and only focus on the gloom and doom and give endless progress reports and statistics on the hurricane.

With no electricity the house will lose all the background noises we are used to, and all you will hear for as long as twelve hours is the driving rain and forceful winds of the hurricane. A CD player with headphones can come in quite handy during that time. Not only that, but any other type of electronic gadgets can help keep children occupied. Remember that it can take weeks or even months for power to be restored in areas affected by hurricanes.

* Gas up all Household Vehicles

When power goes out, gas stations can’t function either, so make sure you won’t be caught on empty after the storm passes.. Also, gas prices tend to rise right after hurricanes.

* Fill Prescriptions

Many roads will be blocked because of downed trees and power lines, or even flooded. So make sure that no one in your household will run out of a prescription within at least a week or so after the hurricane passes.

* Buy Smartly

Don’t buy any perishable items before a hurricane is anticipated as they will spoil in the fridge and freezer during a power outage. Instead, purchase an extra quantitty of non-perishable items which won’t require a stove or microwave to prepare.

* Charge all Electronic Items

Fully charge all your cell phones, lap tops, PDAs, MP3 players, etc. The cell phones and laptops of course will come in handy after the hurricane passes to inform the utility company to restore power, as well contacting friends and family to make sure everyone is alright.

* Dig Out the Board Games

Once batteries wear out on video games and MP3 players run out of charge, children will need to be entertained until power gets restored and schools open up again.

* Bring Pets Inside

Pets should not be outside during hurricanes, or other severe weather in general. Also, different pets will react to severe weather by hiding, or becoming very noisy or anxious. Keep your pets as comfortable as possible, and depending on their personalities crated or in enclosed safe rooms so they can’t hurt themselves or each other.

In closing, never underestimate the power of mother nature. It’s better to be over prepared than under prepared. Also, obey all evacuation orders and don’t try to stay behind in evacuation zones, even if you follow all these guidelines.